Not to mention quakers often gave communists spaces to organise in and hold meetings.
There have been Christian anarchists. Jacques Ellul comes to mind. His book on propaganda is pretty good.
The world was always a shitty place, we are definitely facing new and frightening challenges but they can be overcome it will just be difficult.
Ok? Why are you grouping a whole bunch of people together for something I did, I’m not speaking on behalf of a community…..
Also I find it weird that people would ask my why I would admit this. It just says to me that some people are willing to hide the shitty stuff they do instead of confronting it and actually dealing with the source of the problem.
No not as an insult. Just I got called it and I just said it back as I said no hard r. I was intoxicated and going through some mental health shit. I’m admitting it to prove a point that it’s very different when you say shit online then when you say it in real life, I would could of been hurt and would of deserved it as well but I talked to the guy I said it to and it turned out ok. I also didn’t monetise me using the word to an audience of prepubescent children.
Since your a comedy connoisseur surely you also know that there are jokes that comedians will often tell each other but often aren’t done in public. Here is a famous example:
Edgy comedians often perform in night clubs and generally to older audiences who you can expect to take the nuances of edgy jokes. I agree that if you go and watch an edgy comedian in a comedy club and don’t like the performance that’s on you.
If thats the bar…..
Yeah I mean I don’t monetise my problematic behaviour though. Or entertain little kids for cash so I guess as a public figure you maybe do have a different social responsibility than just a normal citizen.
Isn’t this guy a bit of an asshole?
Because it’s OUR rules based international order not THE rules based international order. The head of the ICC was literally told that the ICC is only there to prosecute African leaders.
I never got in to deep on his personal stances on certain issues, I thought the book propaganda was good though. I think lots of thinkers of his time had bad stances on Isreal though.