[-] SocializedHermit 8 points 2 years ago

Worse yet, there were no products with pentagrams etc. There was a supplier that had a website with Satanic-esque products and Target was contracting for two items from their line that weren't Satanic. They pulled those products before they ever hit the shelves. There also was an AI generated fake series of photographs of clearly Satanic merchandise that was, well.. fake. I bet these fools took that fake story at face value.

[-] SocializedHermit 2 points 2 years ago

Awesome, thanks for the heads up.

[-] SocializedHermit 22 points 2 years ago

The intention is to hoover up user data and capitalize on it.

[-] SocializedHermit 11 points 2 years ago

If you read closer they track IP address for "precise geolocation" and also fingerprint your device, as well as remotely store on your device. Likely they also sell any data they can scrape to data brokers. Rejecting cookies does very little.


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