Captain's Log...
A valid point.
...but what we really need in the USA right now is actually a big screen revival of Life of Brian.
Much more relevant to the times.
It's not getting a lot of coverage, but there is a lot of data to support that this election was firmly stolen and Americans did not choose him. Trump ranting about stolen elections for a decade made it so Democrats are timid to send the same accusations back, worried of being considered flip-floppers after years of claiming our elections are "super duper secure, I'm super cereal."
Of course, some of us remember similar from 2004, so the idea that our elections have been secure has been a joke for a while. A falsity the Democrats stood on to justify "faith in the system."
But yeah, most Americans I deal with on the daily are uneducated fucking morons. So you, know, I also don't put it past these fucking idiots.
Finally, nobody remembers any of the "good" people in Germany during Hitler's rise to power as anything but "Nazis" and we Americans will fare no differently. That certainly isn't your fault.
Hey, NYT, nice way to frame what you've been doing since twenty-fucking-fifteen!
Maybe if any of the US media had ever had any fucking balls (or weren't owned by oligarchs) we wouldn't be at this point.
This is what media consolidation gets you. Thanks Bill Clinton and US congress for the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which kicked off this media consolidation frenzy.
Iran, 1977, mass demonstrations that were often kicked off by communists and socialists leading to a revolution in 1979.
Iran, 1988, communists, many who were involved in the revolution, begin being executed by the Islamic government.
Revolution is also sadly no guarantee of anything getting better.
"The moral arc of history bends towards justice" is a lie Westerners have sold themselves for far too long while the evidence otherwise has stared them in the face if they were paying any attention at all.
To flip Curtis Yarvin's script, they'd make better biofuel to actually be useful.
I guess Log Lady must have had children.
This is the other end of the endless bullshit from the Trump administration
Flooding the Zone with Bullshit isn't just beneficial for the Trump administration. The open displays of corruption and non-stop media coverage give other oppressive governments cover to do things like this.
Coverage of stories like this is getting lost in the frantic coverage of every single bullshit thing Trump does every single day.
The extreme level of corruption on display in the USA means small antisocial decisions by oppressive governments will be viewed less negatively, because they're now being compared to the USA and the Trump administration. "Well, our government sucks, but at least they're not as bad as the Americans!"
Perez's dad is literally a Mexican immigrant. These people just hate, even their own families.
I don't like my father or want anything to do with him but I don't necessarily want him suffering just because.
So, never then?
I'm not trying to defeatist, but that kind of class solidarity requires an education as to why such class solidarity matters. The rich have access the best educations that teach them the value of keeping their system enriching their small group. The poor have no such thing and likely never will.
You can't magically make the poor get it, they have to be educated, and that takes time, effort, money that most of the poor simply do not have.