[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 37 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Cost of domain name tends to be cheaper with more obscure Top Level Domains (TLDs). .com .org .net TLDs are expensive because they are popular and high in demand. You have to rent them out most of the time. Many are already claimed so you either have to buy the owner out or wait till they stop paying and it expires if you really want it, .xyz is very cheap and uncommon on the other hand thus pennies on the dime per year to rent. Also depending on where you live and your occupation you can actually get a domain name for free through registering with specific services that actually for real own the Top Level Domains. If you are a citizen of a certain country you can get a .us or .cad or .eu .ml domain ect either for free or very very cheap.

Check out this list for all TLDs and if you qualify for one for free. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Internet_top-level_domains

Heres a free domain name registar thats quite promising from the looks of it, most likely the one that lemmy.ml uses https://www.freenom.com/en/index.html?lang=en

[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 39 points 1 year ago

Adding "Lemmy users complaining about Lemmy content" would have been a good one to the pile


Hello, I am currently stressing out over something and wanted some input on the matter.

So to start off I am the only full time housekeeper at a 3 story mansion turned rehab. I have a schedule/list of things I am supposed to get done daily and weekly. I work 2nd shift 3-11pm and on weekends. I work alone and have to do a lot of hard physical labor such as patroling every room in the mansion, doing full room clean outs, doing trash, sweeping, mopping, hauling trash 500ft to the dumpster in midday summer heat multiple times with a broken wagon, and vaccuming the staircases. Not to mention a bunch of other things I wont bother to list. I get every single thing on that list done to the best of my ability. My coworkers told me the week I showed up most of the cleaning complaints went away. I like to think I have done my best overall even if I cant give 110% everyday.

Now heres the thing, I take my breaks. When I get done an hour or two of physically taxing work I do take a good size break. when it gets late in the work week I get tired more easily. Ill go into a office with a spare desk and eat my lunch or whatever. Sometimes when its later at night ill turn the light off to rest my eyes if they hurt. My boss knows this, we have had this discussion before. My terms are that I will do the labor they want and in return I will take my breaks how I see fit.

So, my mom also works at the same place. This weekend (my weekend) she calls me up in a panic saying "They have irefutable evidence you were caught sleeping in the office, I dont know if they are going to fire you or what." I told her whatever and I dont really care, but it is actually bothering me. She has severe panic anxiety issues so I doubt they will actually fire me, almost certainly will be a vocal wrist slap or maybe a write up. I know for 100% fact I dont sleep on the job. Hide away in an office from time to time sure, but my radio is on and I make sure to patrol every hour or two. It irritates me that I have to worry about stupid bullshit like this. I have a hard enough job already and I dont need this stress for what little they are paying me. I make 14.50$. The local gas stations pay 17.00$. I have an electromechanical engineering degree and have worked in industry as a maintenance tech, I am overquailified but took this job because of the reduced stress. That benefit is quickly slipping away. They also pulled the 'just one more thing' card with me by moving the dumpster 500ft back from where it used to be (much closer) then pushed it on me to be the only one to haul it with no extra pay.

I am kind of done. I like that I am making money and most days its not too bad. Also great excersise. But I have been yelled at by enough managers in my lifetime, its one thing I do not tolerate. Throw some extra work at me fine, but I refuse to be spit on and treated life a stupid bitch boy, especially when I do the work of 3 people for jack shit pay. Fuck you, I can find a job anywhere, do anything. maybe take a few months off and travel first.

I conicidentally sprained my ankle this weekend and put in for all my acrewed PTO this week. I wont have to see my manager till next week. So what should I do? My thoughts were:

  1. Hand in my keycards right then and there to my boss, shake his hand thank him for the opportunity and walk out. Refuse to tolerate 'speaking about it'.

  2. Speak to the big boss, the Facility Director. Tell them exactly what I just said here, I do a lot of work alone and have essentially kept the place in clean order single handedly for months now. I am not asking for a raise, I just want to be left alone by management. Either accept my conditions or I walk.

  3. swallow my pride and tolerate a wrist smack. Let management chew me out and go about my day. I don't really want to do this but financially I like making money. I am in a fortunate position where I have saved up most of what I made and am now sitting on a couple thousand in e-fund. I wanted to travel a bit anyways so I have the $ to burn through for a few months if no major unexpected expense happens (Crosses fingers).

Your thoughts? I am worried I am being a little self rightious but I have thought about it for a long time and come to the conclusion I have done nothing wrong really. I am being wrongly accused for something I didnt do. I put in more work than I should have to for what I get paid. And I give a good attitude to boot.

[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 25 points 1 year ago

Based and Cronuspilled


I have been working a very labor intensive job for about 3 months now and have lost enough inches on my waist to go down two pants sizes yet my total weight when I go on the scale remains around the same. How is it possible that I lost 4 or 5 inches off my waist yet the scale doesn't change? Is it possible what weight in fat I am loosing is made up for with an increase in muscle mass?

[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 37 points 1 year ago

Once they realize they have a potential cash cow on their hands they do whatever they can to ensure that they can milk it as long as possible. S1 has no gaurentee of being a hit when its made so show producers put their all into crafting an enjoyable show. Once it becomes purely about extending its life as much as possible. Usually turning the story to crap in the process. I call this 'the Dexter effect"

[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 46 points 1 year ago

Scalability. Most federated Lemmy instances are hobbiest run projects started by every day joes and privacy advocating sysadmins. These instances can handle a modest amount of activity. Lemmy.world is slowing to a crawl and barely working due to being overloaded. At the scale of tens of thousands of active users you NEED proper infrastructure and a dedicated team. These are not things that come easy when the instance generates no revenue besides meager donations. Lemmy.world is looking for on call system operators willing to contribute 5-10 hours per week. Good help is rarely cheap let alone free.


I got an old used guitar today. I never had any natural musical talent but it was fun to strum it and try to find some sembelance of a tune amid the mostly random strumming. I enjoyed using it and want to learn a bit more about how to use it. I was hoping you guys could point me to some good guides and references to help me learn and maybe some advice. Also will probably need a guide on reading sheet music eventually.

[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 38 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Big difference between some dudes testimony and hard irrifutable evidence. A few officials can say whatever they like. Until you get hard XCOM level evidence in front of a public hearing the government won't confirmed shit.

The real reason ayylmaos will never be confirmed until the hand is forced is that a huge majority of the global population ascribe to a religion absolutely incompatable with the existence of extraterrestrial life. Sentient non-human highly technological extraterrestrial life at that.

The moment it is confirmed there will 100% be mass panics by religious fundamentalist that space is inhabited by demons or whatever rationalization they pick to ensure their beliefs are still unquestioningly correct and the god given truth of 2000 year old scripture is maintained. In some areas like the USA bible belt or the middle east this will be devistating and cause actual long lasting damage to global society at large. Its a bottle of lightning all the space age nations of the world have deemed not worth opening for societal and economic stability. If these people really have the goods to back up their talk, they will be epstiened unless they take the upmost caution.

[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 29 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Lemmy is not a single site owned by a single group. Each Lemmy instance is in effect its own website and they can communicate with each other which Is the federation part. Some instances cater to certain kinds of people and communities will skew towards a political direction.

If you are a hardcore right winger there are instances full of right wing extremist waiting for you to join their echo chamber. Same with the left wing nuts, there exist Lemmy instances specifically for them to congregate together. You can do some hunting and find them easily.

The only thing is that most other Lemmy instances will defederate from these kinds of instances since political extremist on either side tend to be hateful and zealous individuals who vocally express their violent fantasies of lynching anyone who doesn't 100% agree with them. Most lemmyverse instances deem this kind of hateful speech unacceptable and will block them from cross - communicating.

Here is an example of a right wing Lemmy community:


[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 30 points 1 year ago

I wonder how these peoples lives turned out 30 years later. I can't imagine the mindset and lifestyle of a beanie baby investor.

[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 53 points 1 year ago

On a very very technical level kinda yes, a weird quirk of gravity is that it has infinite range even though it follows the inverse square law. This means that the moons gravity imparts some amount of force on you. Not just the moon either, all objects in the observable universe impart some force on you, as do you impart some force on them. The problem Is that this force is so absolutely infinitesimally small It may as well be zero. So in the world of theoretical physics yes kind of but your friend probably isn't a physicist. Sounds like they're more woo woo astrological magic type people that believe the moon imparts some metaphysical healing magic on their insides.

[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 32 points 1 year ago

Boycotting isn't about changing the world, we all know that a couple thousand people choosing to not participate is a drop in the bucket that wont really change much in the short term.

Its not about that.

Its about putting your foot on the ground and making a personal commited choice to say 'No.' To not tolerate being censored and treated like stupid animals by soulless megacorps who just want to squeeze you dry.

Its about setting boundaries for yourself and what you are willing to take from who/what. Its about truly commuting to not being a mindless consumer bitch boy driven by popular trends.

My choice to delete my reddit accounts and not come crawling back to daddy spez isn't much on its own, but its not nothing either. If enough people put their foot down and make a true effort to say no, it might just mean something in the end. Even if it doesn't change anything in the long term, it has a personal affect on me, I know that I am strong enough to say 'no' and mean it indefinitely That is the true spirit of a protest.

Cicada (lemmy.world)
Frog (lemmy.world)

Reminds me of concentrate residue

clouds (lemmy.world)
[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 42 points 1 year ago

In googles settings you can turn off watch history and nuke whats there, which should affect recommendations to a degree. I recommend you export her youtube subscriptions to people she likes (that arent qanon), set up an account on an invidious instance, and import those subs. This has the benefit of no ads and no tracking/algorithm making. The recommendations can be turned off too I think. Freetube for desktop and newpipe for andrioid are great 3rd party youtube scrapers. The youtube subs can also be imported to a RSS feed client.


I was up to over a hundred points of score, and now im back down to 20, but my post and comments still have the same number of likes?

[-] Smokeydope@lemmy.world 34 points 1 year ago

Simulation theory is more or less a kind of modern creation myth, and creation myths are based around its societies current level of understanding of the world. In ancient times people explained the worlds actions and existence through gods and imaginative myths. When the scientific revolution happened people explained the universe in terms of immutable laws and cosmic logic. Now we are in the computational revolution, thus some people explain the worlds existence through computers. All untestable and unfalsifiable explanations for the nature of reality are as good as any other, so pick your poison and enjoy!

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