Could you give an example of something you are blamed for that you weren't alive for?
The worst B5 episode is probably the technomagus one, and I was going to argue, but you are very right.
Andromeda is so much worse than B5.
The best sci-fi series to feature Zima!
You ever think about how weird most housing is?
Suburbia is lines of houses with the same items in them not being used. Full of people who become petty tyrants comparing about a car being parked to close or a yard not neat enough.
If you start to question how we should live together it's easier to see a way for landlords to cease to exist.
She was meant to be a foil against Data, but came off as hating him.
I think it's because Brent Spiner was so damn charismatic as Data.
I feel like this might be another example of OPs meme. Feyman called it a magic number we have no understanding of. It's one of the great mysteries of modern physics.
I'm confident that on my deathbed my biggest regret will be being bored while stuck in an airport for a day.
I think it's both an issue if hardware support and being the little guy.
If Linux wants to be bigger it needs to change it's selling point. People have been conditioned to think of free software as bloated ad-fests by their phones. My wife was asking how I liked Linux and I could only describe apps as the early Android app store where everything was free and generally great.
Calling out Windows for privacy issues doesn't have too much sway. Mostly because the damage is done, people have posted on Facebook and agreed to every tracker, what's one more? Calling out Windows for being slower, showing you ads all the time and taking away features might have more traction.
Delta green is great.
I love how TTRPGs are the model for having a quality product means people will buy it. It's not difficult to pirate everything, and many systems are just flat out free. And yet I buy most of it.
Stargate is one of the strangest and best sci-fi TV series.
It starts with humans just losing all of the time and a tone that is too serious for its content. As the show goes on there are episodes where everyone where there is a fake TV show of SG-1 and the villains are actively afraid of the US military.
Didn't Microsoft lose a large anti trust court case about this shit for internet explorer?
Yes and no.
MS made Internet explorer uninstallable and made it even if you could install Netscape you couldn't set it as the default app. Forcing teams to open ~~internet explorer~~ edge is more in line with iPhones and Android. Both phone OSs will let you install different browsers, but opening links from most 1st party apps opens safari or chrome with no real way to change it. It's one of the worst things about phones and now MS is trying to move Windows that direction.
It's going to get worse. Once corporations start to adopt edge MS will move to make browser office the only office. Clicking a .doc in edge will redirect to browser word 365. Saving already defaults to the cloud, soon we'll have "virtual downloads" that save your download to your cloud and you can only meaningfully interact with it via edge.
We need more legislation and regulations allowing software choice for all platforms. We've never been allowed to own software, now we can't even buy a perpetual license. Soon we won't be allowed to have a copy of software saved on our devices, and files made by that software won't be allowed on our computers either.
I don't remember dragon warrior 2 being that bad. Maybe it's a ROM issue, maybe young me was more comfortable with a constant grind.
3 is special. It shows it's age, but it's very very good.
4 is a little more uneven, but I think it's the first RPG to change your perspective/main character across the story. Also it has the best story of any JRPG I have ever played.