[-] Pacrat173@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I’m a moderator for the SCP community on Lemmy and write some SCPs for fun it kinda overlaps.

submitted 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago) by Pacrat173@lemmy.world to c/shortstories@literature.cafe

Since the outbreak of ZP-98 in August of 1998 the number of cadaver animatum had risen to over 180 million members at its peak. However today in 2027 the majority have died off while the remaining captive instances numbering 4,500 are in government custody and a further 2,000 are in private collections. A unknown number of wild instances inhabit several destroyed island nations and although the UN IIE (islands in exile) committee requested a peacekeeping operation be deployed to reclaim their lands this request has been denied by the security council until at least 2035.

A cadaver animatum Is the result of a human which has been infected with ZP-98 and was not dispatched by medical staff or others within 35 minutes of brain death. Defined by W.H.O ZP-98 is a complex prion believed to have mutated from BSE(Bovine spongiform encephalopathy) sometime in late 1997 or early 1998. While rumored cases go back as far as 1990 the first confirmed case was in 1998 by Dr. Perry Pasteur. The name of patient zero remains unknown due to HIPAA. The only known facts are the patient was between 25 and 30 years old at time of infection, a male, and is still believed to be held by the WHO in cryogenic storage.

The incubation time of ZP-98 is 3 days from time of infection to time of death. Vectors of infection include. Blood transfusions, Organ transplants, and Occlusion bites. Symptoms Include chills, fever, sore throat, vision problems, visual and auditory hallucinations, total organ failure and in 100% of untreated cases death.

After death in any case where the brain is not destroyed or the spinal cord severed the infected person will reanimate and become a cadaver animatum in 35 minutes at the minimum or 8 hours at the maximum.

WHO recommends all medical personal, funeral workers, and care home workers are certified in methods to control and dispatch cadaver animatums as they are highest at risk for infection.

ZP-98 still claims over 10,000 lives a year and almost 200 medical personal a year. A majority of deaths are blamed on those who either hide a known infection or families of infected who do not wish their loved one to be dispatched. A worrying report from the W.H.O CA institute shows over 18% of the population still believe cadaver animatums retain some humanity. While a smaller 2.5% believe that cadaver animatums retain all humanity and shouldn’t be terminated. The WHO retains its 2000 study showing a majority of human thoughts and memories are lost at time of reanimation and remaining thoughts and memories are lost within 3 months of infection.

While some survivors of the initial outbreak claim amputation of bitten limbs would result in the infection not spreading and therefore saving the infection person. A 2003 study shows no evidence for this claim and WHO retains the only effective treatment is the Plymouth protocol which calls for a medically induced coma and various medications designed to slow infection.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Pacrat173@lemmy.world to c/scp@lemmy.world

Don’t forget it’s a surprise!

[-] Pacrat173@lemmy.world 7 points 2 weeks ago

I looked on the wiki for 20 minutes trying to find a SCP like this but I couldn’t find one to fit it. Any suggestions?

submitted 2 weeks ago by Pacrat173@lemmy.world to c/scp@lemmy.world
[-] Pacrat173@lemmy.world 13 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

It’s one of the foundation’s shell companies(or fronts) the most well hidden one could say.

[-] Pacrat173@lemmy.world 28 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Don’t forget the locked box test it explains the classes pretty good

From the wiki

“The Locked Box Test is an informal guideline used to determine an object's most appropriate Object Class. It goes like this:

  • If you lock it in a box, leave it alone, and nothing bad will happen, then it's probably Safe.
  • If you lock it in a box, leave it alone, and you're not entirely sure what will happen, then it's probably Euclid.
  • If you lock it in a box, leave it alone, and it easily escapes, then it's probably Keter.
  • If it is the box, then it's probably Thaumiel.

Extending the analogy to other Object Classes:

  • If it used to need a box, but no longer does, it's Neutralized. If this is because of a deliberate decision by the Foundation, it was probably Decomissioned.
  • If it turns out it never needed a box in the first place, it's probably Explained.
  • If you can't fit it in a box and it's about to end the world, then it's probably Apollyon.
  • If you could have locked it in a box but chose not to, then it's probably Archon.
  • If you can't fit it in a box but that's not a big deal, then it's probably Ticonderoga.
  • If you're not sure what box to put it in yet, it's probably Pending.”
[-] Pacrat173@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago

Ah this brings back memories of a way too young me finding the SCP site and thinking it was real.

The first article I found 001 and I couldn’t bring myself to read it out of fear

submitted 1 month ago by Pacrat173@lemmy.world to c/scp@lemmy.world
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Pacrat173@lemmy.world to c/scp@lemmy.world

For those who don’t know Marv was a bot who upon request would comment a link to a SCP article. We miss you Marv!


What book should I add to my collection next?

submitted 2 months ago by Pacrat173@lemmy.world to c/scp@lemmy.world

if this community wishes to participate we can make a template on the canvas we are open to design submissions

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Pacrat173@lemmy.world to c/scp@lemmy.world

I think The End of Death is mine

No spoilers but it has so many horrifying tales which go in directions I would’ve never thought of

[-] Pacrat173@lemmy.world 7 points 3 months ago

We are open to ideas we’ll probably hold a vote of some sort a few days before to decide what to draw

[-] Pacrat173@lemmy.world 2 points 3 months ago

It’s up to interpretation

Maybe he died halfway there and his crew died with him

Maybe he made it but only his crew returned

Whatever idea someone would like to write about

[-] Pacrat173@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago

This is a under rated favorite of mine the Atlantropa Articles

[-] Pacrat173@lemmy.world 2 points 5 months ago

Not 100% what you’re looking for but a short read https://althistory.fandom.com/wiki/American_Rebellion_(Britain_Reigns_Supreme!)

I’d also suggest

For Want of a Nail for a more general American revolution read

[-] Pacrat173@lemmy.world 1 points 5 months ago
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