[-] NoStressyJessie 22 points 11 months ago

Smol gobermint… parnets roigts

[-] NoStressyJessie 17 points 1 year ago

Yeah, whooshed for sure.

Frankly, I have no idea what the majority of modern American Evangelical style christians are going to do when and if they end up in front of their deity, because everything I've read and studied is pretty contrary to most of the modern Christian Political talking points. Jesus was very against the types of people christians today have become, Jesus certainly wouldn't have advocated for taking over Rome to become the new oppressors. These same folks believe the book of revelations is going to happen but they can't fathom being a part of the body of the great whore of babylon.

[-] NoStressyJessie 24 points 1 year ago

You're right, it says "targeted", which I don't know how you target things, but usually it takes intent 🙄.

Take your pedantic apologia elsewhere.

[-] NoStressyJessie 20 points 1 year ago

Futurama had that one Episode "Bend-Her" where bender decides they suck too much to compete in the mens robo-lympics so he gets gender reassignment to crush all the fembots and get a gold medal..... If they made that full length episode, i'm sure there are plenty of one offs and side gags throughout that didn't stick out to me at the time.

[-] NoStressyJessie 18 points 1 year ago

Thank you for the kind words, but the content warning wasn't because I want to unalive or self harm, or that I currently self harm. It was my Paternal grandfather killing himself when I was a kid, and the cutting I used to do as a confused eggy teenager. My last post it was advised to CW guns, so I figured I'd CW the obvious self harm and suicide combo.

A selfless act like that could reach someone at the right time in their life, thanks again for Reaching out to help 💕

[-] NoStressyJessie 16 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

No no no! Let me continue to be obtuse, a felony against an LLC ( like, ohhhhh, I dunno this little mom and pop startup) is a damning life ending thing that will forever alter the trajectory of the poor business owner’s life and livelihood. They could’ve had a bright future, free to do anything, go anywhere, hell even go to the stars all of that jeapordized by one measly little honest mistake of an accounting error ~~that was multiplied thousands of times across the workforce spanning years summing entire lifetimes of earnings~~ . Surely you can’t mean that they would be held to no recourse while the overly empowered and emboldened working class holds it’s jack boot stranglehold on poor honest golden parachute equipped hedge fund daddies who raised money from their well to do friends and family to buy a house outright for the optics of starting out of a garage with nothing…

God damned delusional liberals

[-] NoStressyJessie 21 points 1 year ago


“I liked you better when you were depressed, anxious, and could only display apathy or anger.”

Sounds kinda fucked up.

[-] NoStressyJessie 20 points 1 year ago

Thank you for the empathy.

I was sitting here irrationally upset about it, and just having a couple supportive comments show up has really helped me to remember that there are people out there who don’t feel that way.

[-] NoStressyJessie 18 points 1 year ago

That Ford Prefect is one Hoopy Frood that really knows where their towel is!

[-] NoStressyJessie 23 points 1 year ago

The one that bugs me is that they don’t have a “Home” link by default on the explorer sidebar. When I first install windows I add it, but when I have to help someone else for some reason and have to go to the home directory the easiest way to do it is to go through “This PC”>C:>Users>[Name] then try to find what they are looking for. Why not just open that location at default instead of the nebulous “everything you’ve ever used or interacted with”? Half the time it’s full of garbage or one off files they have no interest in reviewing but are too afraid to delete.

Better yet, why not auto sort web downloads based on file extensions to their relevant home folder? I had that setup on a Linux box for a minute and I legit miss it.

[-] NoStressyJessie 19 points 1 year ago

They say it doesn’t affect them, but then they cry censorship when their chud-services are slow and treated like D-Grade refuse by their ISP.

It was annoying hearing all the conservatives arguing against net neutrality with such timeless classics as “Government Regulation only makes things worse” as an excuse to get rid of the regulation that helped protect them.

Other greatest hits include defanging the CFPB then getting mad when the private company BBB can’t do anything about their shady pool cleaning service charging them for services that were skipped.

[-] NoStressyJessie 24 points 2 years ago

Someone I know just got attacked by their pit Bull, they are justifying it by saying the dog had brain cancer and didn’t know what it was doing. I personally don’t get the mental gymnastics that you have to go through to say that they are perfectly safe dogs that just get a bad rap when you literally just got your arms flayed off by one.

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