[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 1 year ago

I would like to do something like that but I don’t want to be scrutinized about technically being a bootleg publisher.

The books I did it to are from small authors writing for niche communities and I don’t want to make it easier to pirate than buy in that case. Anyone else can find those same PDFs on a website easy to search and well recommended by the community so the information is available, and if they want an ePub they can format it themselves or just buy the version from Amazon and support the author.

[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 1 year ago

Oh heavens, you do what your conviction tells you, I’m just a cheeky American that grew up with RuneScape and an endless supply of British media that wanted to be in on the joke.

One of my favorite episodes of the Young Ones was when the TV license officer comes to inspect their house and they’re trying to hide the TV.

[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 1 year ago

I don't think I've ever seen The Hot Chick

Dear God, It's a Rob Schneider Adam Sandler flick. Sure it was during their golden years, but even their good stuff is pretty middle of the road garbage. Not that it's a bad thing, you should just know when you're gonna go dumpster diving to have a fun time.

I like shit fest movies like the Room and the weird B movie Lloyd Kaufman films like Poultry-geist from time to time, but rewatching some of those is hard.

[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 1 year ago

Maybe? What were your thoughts on the movie The hot chick? It was another one of those movies from that time in my life. I liked that Rachel’s kid brother would crossdress and when the parents found out, all dad had to say was “If you’re gonna wear heels, you gotta learn to walk in them”.

Also, obvious “wake up a woman “ theme aside.

[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 1 year ago

Absolutely, there shouldn’t be anything to stop those individuals from serving on their own volition.

luckily they realized after Vietnam that… (conscripts) … who don’t want to be there don’t really give it their all.

It was 2006-2007 I was a really big 9/11 truther, any time people would talk about a draft I used to rebut “I don’t want to go there, and I want to die anyways, go ahead and give me a gun and force me to go, let’s see how many Americans I can kill with sabotage and a rampage.”

It blows my mind that we still have people who think a conscription effort would be anything but detrimental.

Speaking of, anyone else notice the semantic propaganda that is the word draft/ conscript? Our enemies are evil and they conscript their men to fight in pointless wars, but we on the other hand draft our young heroes to selflessly serve their country.

[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 1 year ago


[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 1 year ago

I've been in the same boat, my partner ended up in the hospital just yesterday. Seems like all we do is see doctors anymore.

Thanks for joining the server, put a smile on my face to see a name other than mine in the server logs XD

[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 2 years ago

The end user experience for your website would be terrible and inconsistent, phones don’t have the kind of uptime and availability that you would need, and keeping them plugged in 24/7 in a closet doing computational tasks is a good way to end up with battery bulge and one spicy mini pillow.

There are too many nefarious purposes that could benefit from being able to serve public web services from your smartphone and no consumer benefits that average people would care about.

Fortunately it doesn’t matter what I want to allow and is up to the cellular service providers which have all kinds of stipulations about what constitutes as service abuse and using an inordinate amount of bandwidth is usually one of them.

So for security safety and service stability reasons, yeah, there is no legitimate reason why it SHOULD be allowed. Just spend the $5 monthly on the hardware and bandwidth instead of potentially making your neighbors cell data worse or setting your house on fire/ blowing up your closet just so you can have an unconventional web server.

[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I know about the world not being very accepting for us. I live in the Deep Southern US and am about to leave a (shit tier) job, because a young transmasc asked about everyone’s thoughts on transgender bathroom rights when the manager came back and told us under no circumstances are we allowed to talk about it. I checked back later that day and they had taken the time to remove the google LGBT friendly emblem on their google overview.

Young transmasc never came back and they intentionally didn’t fill the position, didn’t compensate for the extra labor, cut everyone’s hours, canceled linen service, got a truck delivery denied for non-payment, and the lists just go on.

I should’ve noped out when the bathroom thing happened, but I was still doing the Stockholm Syndrome thing.

I gave that place countless hours off the clock to keep it a float. After that I stopped. Didn’t even take a month for the place to be overrun with roaches and for our waste to go through the roof.

Good riddance to bad garbage.

I hope they enjoy their inbreed redneck clientele that thinks they are a bunch of price gougers for charging 80$ for a 3 lb tomahawk steak.

They’ll get everything they deserved plus some.

[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 2 years ago

I liked the arm MacBooks. I used to get 17 hours off a charge with moderate use web browsing, decoding YouTube videos, and driving a 4k display.

[-] NoStressyJessie 3 points 2 years ago

It’s not like they are plaintext, and increased availability/ redundancy would be one potential reason for deciding to have a cloud synced password manager database.

There are other solutions that you can self host or create yourself, and if that works better for you and your use case, I encourage it.

[-] NoStressyJessie 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Sounds like your mom struggled with some personal issues, as one day at a time is an old Alchoholics Anonymous saying. No shame in that, just saying, your mom probably gained some empathy from living a hard situation either firsthand or second hand.

It's been a hard truth for me to accept, and I'm sorry to pawn it off on you, I just felt that it may be helpful. I find myself overwhelmed frequently with things and have had to make it a mantra for myself to the point it feels useful enough to share? My feelings are still very confusing, so I'm sorry to be wishy-washy with you.

I'm sorry you were forced to be outted, It's happened to me for other identities, and it's worked out so far for me, but it is still not okay, and shouldn't be forced on anyone. I'm sorry that you feel the need to put out so many fires in such a tumultuous time for you.

On to the silver lining side of things, it's wonderful that your ~~mother~~ father has been so supportive (even if it feels like it could go farther)! I'm worried about how my mom will react about me. We haven't seen each other in a while, and I worry by the time she makes time to see me I'll already be so far along that boy mode isn't possible but girl mode is awkward.

I've been very open with her so far as an adult, so I don't expect too much push back, but my inner voice is BRUTAL and a part of the reason I was a homeless youth was because of my LGBTQ+ alignment going against her personal beliefs. The last time I saw her as a minor, she caught me with a more effeminate male and told me she couldn't believe I would let that THING into her house.

That's really stuck with me.

The last time I really talked to my dad it was about being bi, and he was devastated that I would ever take being a bottom, as compared to being a fierce top.

I didn't luck out, per se, but it could be quite a bit worse for me in the parents category.

I don’t get her. Why does someone who said they loved me, wish me so much hate just because I want to be myself?

It's probably a nebulous issue like Rejection Sensitivity, DO NOT INVOLVE YOURSELF! Take the time to learn, do what you can for yourself, but don't try to help her with her shit. She seems quite hurt, and you involving yourself further 'for her benefit' will do nothing but cause more pain, tension, resentment, etc. The only person you have ultimate culpability for is yourself (and to a lesser but almost equal degree your children).

To add another AA colloquialism , I'll finish my comment with the serenity prayer;

God(s), grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference

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