This kind of misinformation (OP) should either be tagged or not allowed at all. Like, most of us understand it's a joke but still, maybe we should have better standards than other sites.
Maybe, but if we convince enough people to leave their homes, maybe we can be loud enough to call for change...
We really need to tax the mega rich. I compiled this list of numbers after the President speech last night, it's kinda wild:
$ 99,000 - National Median Income is less than $100 thousand.
$ 1,000,000 - 1 Million Dollars.
$ 485,000,000 - Cut Funds to International Relations and whatever.
$ 1,000,000,000 - 1 Billion Dollars. There are over 400 Billionaires in America.
$ 22,000,000,000 - Cut Funds to American Social Serivces through HHS (Human & Health Services).
$ 244,000,000,000 - Elon Musks Net Worth.
$ 1,620,000,000,000 - 1 Trillion Dollars - Meta (Facebooks) Corporate Net Worth.
$19,900,000,000,000 - The U.S. Deficit in Jan 2017 (Obama to Trump)
$27,800,000,000,000 - The U.S. Deficit in Jan 2021 (Trump to Biden)
$36,000,000,000,000 - The U.S. Deficit in Jan 2025 (Biden to Trump)
The Democrats seemed unorganized, nobody is leading them like Trump is leading Republicans. Here's a gimmick I'd like to see them use next time.: Every time Trump says a blatant lie - call it out - LOUD. One by one, watch how many people get thrown out throughout the speech.
22 Billion cut to HHS is a ton though. Surely that will go toward paying down the deficit? Good on Green for bringing attention to it.
joined 2 weeks ago
I've been trying to move away from Google Chrome for awhile now. Brave was the easiest move for me - it's super slick and almost exactly like Google Chorme. But they just cannot help themselves from pushing Cryto BS on the startup page like every day - it's weird. I get they offset advertisements with Crypto, and maybe before The President ran a Crypto rugpull I'd be onboard, but now that the Rich Elites have publicly shown their hand in how they want to use Crypto I just can't support Brave.
Anyway, I've moved to Opera for the time being. If anyone else has suggestions I'm open to hear em, but like, I'm too used to webkit devtools.