I don't get any after I made one cry. I simply asked them if they were happy with their life, if they are proud of what they do, what if I was their parents or grandparents? They hung up after a watery "shut up". Any I get are dead lines or immediate hang ups on their end now.
Stardew Valley
I'm doing another perfection run. It's the onlything keeping me sane as I've been sick all week.
If a pipe breaks or just starts leaking or water comes in from a different apartment and you aren't there to catch it you can get mold.
Know yourself and use honest communication to get to know your partner.
Camp Damascus by Chuck Tingle is a fav of mine.
English, some Spanish, can read some French, and can read Middle English
Office Admin for Post Secondary. There is no office admin community, and there's an academia community
Be the submissive wife and be joyfully available...
It always bothers me as well. It also is trying to get around the fact that pedophilia hurts children and in their view homosexuality doesn't harm anyone. Unless you have the view that consenting adults don't have the ability to recognize harm if "they" don't agree with their "choices".
I am a prolific reader, but just a meh at sewing, knitting, and gardening.