[-] MeepsTheBard 4 points 1 year ago

What's the difference between befriending someone who's worse off than you who works in the same building vs someone off the street? Your ability to help them is ~ the same, but you could give them a person to talk to.

They're not aliens, or pets to be taken care of. If a grown-ass man wants to chat with another grown-ass man about something mutually interesting to both, then why bring prerequisites into the equation?

Now, if it's a "we hang out every single night and discuss finances and aspirations and such" situation, sure, I can see a disconnect if the higher-up person doesn't try to help, but your comment almost sounds like a internet-fueled caste system when taken too literally.

[-] MeepsTheBard 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Treat the rest as a dedicated, specifically-timed "thing to do" instead of just "time I need to kill until I pick this weight up again."

Timers are helpful, as people mentioned, but stretching, evaluating how that last set went/ how next set needs to go, changing weights, and walking around to catch your breath are great ways to stay mostly on track.

And if you check Twitter after switching songs or something? That's fine. Working out slowly > not working out, so unless you're annoying other gymgoers with 20-min squat-rack scroll sessions , I wouldn't sweat a mental lapse.

EDIT: Ope, I think I misread your comment to mean "between sets" and not just "going to the gym," my b.

It HAS to be a habit. Go to the gym because it's novel and you want to try it out, then try your damnedest to make it a routine. Make it feel weird to not work out. If you fall off the wagon, try again.

If neurotypicals fail to be consistent (see every New Year's resolution), you can give yourself enough grace to stumble, too.

[-] MeepsTheBard 6 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This isn't a one-hour-summary topic, and you're not going to find "unbiased" reporting on it. Not trying to be a dick, it's just the facts. Anyone telling you they have the "unbiased truth" about it is lying or delusional.

With that said, start with some Wikipedia browsing from the end of WW2, where the Allies started looking around for places around the world as Jewish refuges, and the struggles/ decisions made to plop Israel in the Middle East.

From there, there's a bunch of back-and forth action between the new state of Israel and the people who were already living there (Palestinians), which has a lot of video summaries on YouTube. You'll hear "Nakba" (Catastrophe in Arabic) used a lot, if that's any indication of how it went.

All of that puts the Oct 7 attacks in more context, as well as the ongoing bombing in Gaza.

Good luck in your search. If people are being rude with you, it's because the tone of your post is basically "I actively tried not to look at this conflict that's been going on for 4 months that's killed 30,000 people, and now care because of a single guy (Aaron Bushnell) immolating himself." I'm VERY glad that his message got to you, as I agree that it's an important issue, but it also feels frustrating that it took this long (respectfully).

[-] MeepsTheBard 5 points 1 year ago

Similar experience for my xm4s. Great sound, they're comfy, but the app is dogshit and the buttons/ touch controls physically hurt me to use.

[-] MeepsTheBard 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You sound really sure about your understanding of statistics and probability, and I don't think anything I can say can impact that. I'm going to defer to the experts, but you do you I guess.

[-] MeepsTheBard 4 points 1 year ago

You're correct, and I agree. It does shift dems to the right slightly. But again, it's hyperbole to say dems are now "radical" on the border, which is what I was responding to.

[-] MeepsTheBard 6 points 1 year ago

So now the dems endorse the radical rights position on the border. You don't see how that's an issue?

Equating "letting the opposition party fuck themselves as they try to pass a bill THEY don't even want" to actively endorsing extreme policy is hyperbole.

At a very surface level you're correct, but using that to state that the entire democratic party has abandoned their morals is absurd.

[-] MeepsTheBard 6 points 1 year ago

Kaiju stand user?


[-] MeepsTheBard 4 points 1 year ago

Gonna wait for performance info at launch, and grab if it runs well. There's basically no point waiting for professional reviews, since it's such a love-it-or-hate-it gameplay loop. I really liked the first one (doing a replay now), so unless it comes to light that it's now a MG:Survive clone or something, I should be alright 🤷

[-] MeepsTheBard 4 points 1 year ago

I already have tech tips, thanks tho

[-] MeepsTheBard 6 points 1 year ago

It's environmental geopolitics 🤷 seeing widespread adoption of a policy that the US (Reagan) ignored get traction in Ireland helps highlight how shortsighted that view was. Considering the US has had a small hand in building the world's energy supply, it seems at least tangential to remind people why such policies have existed.

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