[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 14 points 1 year ago

The very concept of "commissioning" an "AI artist" is as ridiculous as it is hilarious.

You see... when you "commission an artist" the first thing you have to do is sit down with them, and describe, in detail, what you want.

All an "AI artist" does is feed what you told them into a robot, get a bunch of low quality shitty facsimiles of art out the other end, then select the least bad one to sell you for money.

But... the effort and time it takes to describe your desired image to another person is just the same effort and time as describing your desired image to the robot. All the "artist" does here is slow down the process then charge you money.

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 13 points 1 year ago

Neither is landfill, and both are about as valuable.

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 11 points 1 year ago

It's more like commissioning a thief, but sure.

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 12 points 1 year ago

Dude, this is a light-hearted cute comic about people falling in love. It's not really an appropriate venue for accusing the author of romanticising sexual harassment in the workplace.

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 13 points 2 years ago

Wait a minute, that purple outfit isn't one of Razira's "only clothes"!

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 14 points 2 years ago

Razira is a half-orc, and you've been told that repeatedly.

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 12 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

How utterly devoid of humor or character must you be to spend your time going around the internet making posts like this? What does this kind of post contribute to anything? If you don't like someone's creative work, you can just ignore it.

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 17 points 2 years ago

The "constructive criticism" here is "stop making your own stuff and pay someone else to do it for you".

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 13 points 2 years ago

Wait... back up a minute... Dragon Plate?

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 11 points 2 years ago

I don't think she knows what an aboleth is.

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 19 points 2 years ago

You keep doing this for OP's goblin OC as well. There's lots of official WotC art of green goblins, including the current Monsters of the Multiverse art that's being used as the default art for the goblin lineage.

It's kind of rude to tell people that their character designs aren't valid just because you don't approve of their choice of skin-tone.

[-] Marchioness@ttrpg.network 13 points 2 years ago

His behavior was objectionable.

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