I'm going to miss this show so much, it's just bursting with so much heart. They really captured the heart of star trek with a goofy comedy cartoon, and I love it.
Doesn't matter, he got what he paid for on November 5th
No, it flew, no roads, it was most definitely not, a long road getting from there to here.
Wow! That's amazing, let me try ************* Did that show up for you?
I use awk all the time, nothing too fancy, but when you need to pull out elements of text it's usually way easier than using cut.
awk {' print $3 '} will pull the third element based on your IFS variable (internal field separater, default is whitespace)
awk {' print $NF '} gets you the last element, and awk {' print $(NF-1) '} gets you one element from the last, and so on.
Basic usage but so fast and easy for so many everyday command line things.
I never quite noticed that before, but honestly, that's probably part of the reason I like the first season more than the others. It really felt like they were out there exploring instead of just the pew pew action combat it became.
Risa is succeeding in it's most important mission.
Janeway made the right call, no one wanted that Tuvix weirdo around, that's why no one came to his defense.
The cannon answer is that it doesn't work that way, it coverts you to energy and that energy is turned back into you so "nothing changes". In cannon it doesn't kill you and assemble a new copy, and you can't duplicate a person because you only have one copy of their energy.
Accidents like Thomas Riker are not supposed to be possible and only happen when they encounter strange energies which cause reactions that aren't understood, so they can't just make duplicates on demand.
Ssshhh.. dumb joke funny.