"I have a secret plan to defeat trump in 100 days" - everyone on the internet
y'all need to face the facts that the democrats could have ran a white jesus christ and it wouldnt have moved the needle
"I have a secret plan to defeat trump in 100 days" - everyone on the internet
y'all need to face the facts that the democrats could have ran a white jesus christ and it wouldnt have moved the needle
How does it always manage to be better than the show?!
That is not the equality Gene died for
I want to eat them with a computer terminal interface comprised of physical switches and blinky lights.
We are the same.
As I live and breathe, a DS9 hater! My goodness I thought you'd all died out ages ago.
Hardly conclusive, Mister Cybervseas, as Androids have no tear-ducts.
True. Not a lot of memesmithing going on that I've noticed. However there is an overwhelming amount of stale reposts.
"I am not certain if OP should be praised or condemned. Only that he should be left alone."
y'all will blame anyone before you blame the people who voted for him