Thank you very much! I hope I can make it work how I envision it.
I definitely agree with that. I wish people recognized the movement in general.
More than once a week is pretty frequent, remember to give time to yourself. As for the sidebar, I haven't decided what I want to put there yet, but I think I've got an idea.
A set of rules, but also a set of posts that are allowed. I think I'd like to make a post asking what people want to see in the sidebar.
Ooh, there's also Shattered Pixel Dungeon, which I believe is a spin-off of the original. I could write a review, but I tried writing game reviews once before, and faced criticism for how poorly I had done it. Maybe I could consider trying again.
Whoa, this was far more thorough than I expected! It was long, but it wasn't boring. It was just the right length in my opinion. As for the game, I'll definitely try it out, I honestly had no idea it existed!
Check out Freeciv by the way, a libre civilization clone. It's my personal favourite. As for games that aren't clones, there's an Android game called Doors of Doom. I've been thinking about making a game inspired from it for Linux, both mobile and desktop, but I'm not sure how I feel about it yet.
I'd love to see your reviews!
I don't disagree. The pulse oximeter support is not very high on my priority list to be honest.
I think I understand, I'm not aiming for perfect here. I will never expect to get the results as dead accurate as an actual clinical type 1 polysomnographic session. That being said, so much can be inferred with so little data to go off of.
Some sleep trials use portable machines nowadays that the user wears to bed at home. While they're equipped with objectively better sensors, it's hard to lose hope in my app. I know this has been done before, there are paid apps for polysomnography for Android. Typically they'll have oximeters at the worst and the same equipment as a type 1 at best. With our phones, the goal isn't so much to diagnose as it is to evaluate changes over time, and alert us if something seems likely.
I'll definitely think about bluetooth pulse oximeter support, but please keep in mind that I'm hacking away at it for less than minimum wage.
Never feel sorry for not donating. Take care of yourself first before taking care of others.
Thank you very much!
What you really mean is a fully free software e-book reader with copies of fantastic public domain works as provided by Project Gutenberg?? I sincerely agree!
Y'know, I'd sure be willing to reread The Great Gatsby!
This is the truest and most correct answer, but it comes with a huge drawback!
I vaguely recall Bruce Schneier saying that there is good evidence that the NSA cannot crack certain encryption methods. At the time, RSA was on the list. Maybe common methods mean roll-your-own corporate encryption, but it's my understanding that GNUpg and similar software are safe.