Manual QA here want to start learning Test Automation. Coming from a non-tech background will make it a bit of a challenge but I'm looking to "test" myself.
Out of the three languages (Java, JS, Py), which should I focus on learning to get the best knowledge to apply when eventually using Selenium WebDriver?
I would like to comprehend all three later on in the future but for now which is the best to start off or continue with.
Many have mentioned Python is beginner-friendly approach to learning programming and less stressful, but I see a lot of tutorials for Selenium webdriver being taught using Java, Also I heard JS is being implemented a lot more and more nowadays.
Using the old one would be supporting spez? I need more access to learning resources and experiences; which is what I used to use "read it" for but have since been browsing the limited resources on the lemmy instances. Anyway to figure out if the answers to a certain question on one instance is in another instance?