There have to be at least a few.
My girlfriend keeps asking me to switch to vaping but I'll have to ask her how she feels about snus. I think I'd prefer it because its real tobacco.
I don't like living with how my girlfriend is nagging me over me smoking all the time which is why I came here to ask about the benefits.
She keeps asking me to switch to vaping and even though I like cigarettes I might do that eventually if she's actually serious about leaving me. I just need to find the cartridges with the best nicotine so I can still get the health benefits from it.
I'm not addicted I could quit if I wanted to.
That's actually true I could stop anytime I want to I just don't want to right now.
You sound just like my girlfriend she's always nagging like that "They make you smell bad and cause lung cancer" and "I feel like I'm starting to not love you anymore" stupid stuff like that.
If I was addicted I would smoke more than a pack every day. It just helps me get through the day I could stop anytime I want.
Thank you for actually helping me find some useful and true information.
Not the heckin doggerinos! Those cops should be in jail!
The USA is a fading imperialist nation and the third world masses need to rise up and crush it.
I am seeking serious advice here.