It's impossible for me to understand not having enough. M$ is like some megacorp villain that wants to swallow everything
Hospitals are meant to save lives, not be profitable
It's about time, isn't it
Stay away from windows and tea
If we're going though planet scale catastrohpic events, at least sprinkle some comedy in there haha
This timeline can't get any weirder
Mending clothes and a tiny bit of guerilla gardening. I'm looking into tablet weaving atm
Lapsang souchong. Tastes like smoke. I like it but it's not for everyone and for every day.
They won't work for us, they'll work for the rich and the working class might as well starve because we're just expendable parts to them. I'm afraid we're not going to make enough reforms before AI will be cheaper than human labor in enough places to cause high unemployment. Idk man, it's freaky times we live in
Well of course they're going to percieve a place where alternative ideas and organisation takes place as a threat
I mean, it's probably good that you didn't know. Just fyi, there are sites dedicated just for that and they have probably millions of files.
Ok but first manufacturers must "rethink" planned obsolescence and right to repair