[-] Jinna 24 points 1 month ago

Off the top of my head, it makes it desirable to cook the stats to get money, whether by banning abortion or simply prioritizing births vs children. Every funding metric is gamed, that's why there's arcane rules to enact change by hoping for a certain game strategy. In this case every strategy leads to misery.

[-] Jinna 27 points 2 months ago

Paraphrasing from a recent episode of Behind the Bastards on the Vioxx scandal: There's a lot of recency bias in humans where it's difficult to look past the fuckups of the pharma industry. If their "current" MO is to make a shit ton of money at the cost of human lives, then why would someone with lesser critical thinking skills trust them? One needs quite a bit more faculties to separate the capitalism from the good they are doing and tell apart what's trustworthy and what not.

So pharma fucked their bed spectacularly and aren't doing fuck all to restore trust. And that's very sad considering how important they could be if they wanted to.

[-] Jinna 1 points 2 months ago

Seems that in the latest prerelease builds that is indeed true, even checkboxes work now.

[-] Jinna 1 points 2 months ago

Critically you can't share to specific accounts, it's private, completely public or all registered users. Also, sharing is read-only, no collaboration allowed. So sharing sort of yes, but no collaboration say on a shopping list.

[-] Jinna 3 points 2 years ago

Yeah, this is the problem in that the definitions vary between "inclusive of trans women and NB" to "NB leaning on fem" and all the way to "any trans identity that wants to include feminity". In the end though it might not matter since more inclusive is better and CWs are encouraged anyway for touchy topics.

[-] Jinna 4 points 2 years ago

Totally get that, many practical reasons! I'd vote for including it in the name as well. I did check the sidebar but managed to miss that.

[-] Jinna 7 points 2 years ago

Having googled some definitions, transfem is one of those terms that doesn't have one clear definition whereas MtF has enough history to be fairly unambiguous. No matter what it would draw a slightly different venn diagram as a name. That isn't a bad thing, just not sure what it looks like from an NB angle.

submitted 2 years ago by Jinna to c/mtf

With some migrations underway it's natural to use well established community names for discoverability, but it got me thinking how I've always disliked MtF as a community name since it feels dated and "medicalizing".

Not trying to start anything here, just wondering out loud if a "Transfem" community would cater to the same needs but with less emphasis on where you supposedly came from and more focused on what we want.


joined 2 years ago