[-] IdleSheep 20 points 3 weeks ago

I watched it for the first time last year without knowing anything about it and, as someone who loves to nerd out about anything linguistics related (am translator, for context), I cannot describe how gleeful I was that such subjects had center focus in a big blockbuster like that. Obviously the other aspects of the movie were amazing as well and the story got me very emotional by the end, but I will never shut up about how interesting and important that translation/communication aspect of the movie was.

[-] IdleSheep 19 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

As someone who owns a digital audio player I can give some reasons:

  • Since most phones don't come with headphone jacks anymore, it's nice to have a device you can just plug your wired headphones into. It also means headphone jack inclusion is no longer a factor when choosing a smartphone.
  • Better audio quality depending on the DAC inside the device.
  • Expandable storage. Most DAPs let you insert one, some even two micro sd cards. No need to stream anything, plus you have space for lossless files.
  • No need to worry about data/wifi, your music is always there ready to listen offline.
  • Some DAPs are really small (Shanling M0 for example), making them more portable than a phone for a lot of use cases.
  • More headphone compatibility. A lot of higher end DAPs support more than a 3.5 mm jack. The Fiio m11 plus for example has a 4.4 and 2.5 balanced output jacks in addition to the standard 3.5 mm.
  • Higher power amps to power hungry headphones. A smartphone can't power say a pair of Sennheiser HD 600s, a DAP can because it comes with a preamp (not all though, depends on the specs).
  • Dedicated physical buttons. A touchscreen will never compare to controlling playback with physical buttons.

Though I will say, even as someone who owns one, unless you're really into carrying your music library with you it's generally not worth it. But they are nifty little gadgets and new ones come out every year to innovate the space.

It's similar to an e-reader as others pointed out. Sure, you can read on a phone/tablet as well but it's nice to have a device that's purpose built for one thing and does it really well. The same applies to a digital audio player. Yeah you can (and most people are fine with) play music on your smartphone, but a dedicated device does add some nice QoL to the experience.

[-] IdleSheep 20 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

You actually tricked yourself into believing this isn't all about shutting down competition to American companies or stopping people's (especially young people's) power to disseminate even remotely left leaning views that could gain traction and threaten the oligarchs.

I mean even the politicians who back this bill state as much, so I'm not sure why you think this is about national defense. American citizens are just under as much threat as before, but now they have one less way to express themselves. Ain't that great. /s

[-] IdleSheep 32 points 1 month ago

As a European myself, never mention the Romani people to anyone here unless you want to hear the most degenerate, racist diatribe you can conjure up in your mind. (half hyperbole half not)

[-] IdleSheep 39 points 5 months ago

Ok, let me just cut off my entire family and friend circle out of my life just to stick it to some corpo that doesn't even care about me. I sure showed 'em!

[-] IdleSheep 32 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

It is wild to me that in the US you're not automatically registered to vote. The idea that you have to go through a manual process to exert one of your most basic constitutional rights is unfathomable to me.

Here when you turn 18 you can just vote. It's that simple. No registration, no ticking a checkbox somewhere, you can simply go out there and vote the moment you're 18.

[-] IdleSheep 21 points 1 year ago

WinDirStat works but is super slow though. WizTree is a much better modern equivalent.

[-] IdleSheep 42 points 1 year ago

Yes, I'm sure the reason we don't grow is because we refuse to federate with nazi and pedo content. Oh what will the fediverse do without these folks.

[-] IdleSheep 25 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

This isn't really a good idea because then you're putting all your eggs in one basket. The whole point of 2FA is that the second factor is in a separate location so if your first factor (password) gets compromised the second one (OTP code) still protects your account. If both factors are in one place you're back to a single point of failure instead of 2, losing a key benefit of 2FA.

If you're gonna do this, at the very least have 2FA with a security key on your bitwarden vault.

[-] IdleSheep 93 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Him being gay is actually very relevant because he was profiting off of queer authors' works without attribution while proporting to support their cause. His whole shtick was being gay and analyising media through a gay/lgbtq+ lens. The title highlights the hypocrisy.

Also this is an lgbtq+ focused publication so such a classification isn't unusual.

[-] IdleSheep 46 points 1 year ago

Still fits in a 1 TB sd card... Barely!

[-] IdleSheep 86 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Because Digimon was a tamagochi clone first and everything else second. There was never a Digimon game formula or a Digimon card game formula or a Digimon anime formula. They just made random media to sell toys without any care for consistency. That lack of consistency made it have less general appeal.

Even today it's hard to introduce people to Digimon because there really is no right starting point, it's all different media and how much you like each one depends on your personal tastes.

Pokémon had it all consistent from day one. The tcg, the games, the anime, it's basically all the same even today. You can introduce someone to Pokémon with any media because it's all so consistently transversal.

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