Ok, bask in your american exceptionalism if you please.
Those data centers would soon be somewhere else due to... economics. And even if not, wouldn't be significant.
Have you read the article? Hydrogen is developed... fast...
The strategy is being implemented, infrastructure being build. Electrolysers and hydrogen ready NGs are planed and build. New NG infrastructure is hydrogen ready. What else are you expecting? Should things magically materialise?
Now you are getting away from arguments...
Well... It's the current strategy.
Also, the same could be said about NG [efficiency about 30%-55% and also a little bit flameable].
In the EU, hydrogen. Either by fuel cell or burnt in hydogen ready NG plants. Wouldn't be my first choice but thats whats gonna happen.
I am sorry, but reality says otherwise. And SMRs are vaporware, if ever realized likely more expensive than already expensive NPPs.
Then, I can only assume, you don't know people...
No idea what you mean and not gonna read the ipcc report now.