submitted 3 days ago by HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml 27 points 1 week ago

Concord is definitely DOA (Dead on Arrival)

I don't blame the devs for making the game, I blame the suits for not letting anything more interesting come out of the studio

submitted 1 week ago by HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml to c/gaming@lemmy.ml
submitted 1 week ago by HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml 21 points 2 weeks ago

My pick is Stanley Kubrick's 1968 masterpiece, 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Also Sprach Zarathustra by Richard Strauss will forever be one of cinema's greatest opening themes. And combined with the opening credits of the movie with the sun rising slowly over the Earth was absolutely groundbreaking and legendary. It is truly one of the greatest opening credits sequences of all time.

submitted 3 weeks ago by HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml to c/sbubby@lemmy.ml
submitted 3 weeks ago by HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml to c/venting@lemmy.ml


This ad is unbelievably offensive to senior citizens. In the way she is represented, she is literally stereotyping elderly people and it's SO disgusting and wrong. This Martha women is literally the Karen in a nutshell, and her acting is horrible and is sometimes completely nonexistent. It is insulting and offensive to all of the hard-working senior citizens who helped build this country. This ad is basically calling every single elder a Karen. Yes, it's a fake Karen, but this does NOT excuse the producers of this commercial from being so blatantly offensive and insulting elders. Not even Joe Namath or Jimmie Walker's Medicare commercials sunk this low and insulted elderly people. It was merely just them spewing out crap to promote blatant scams. Martha's ad is a WHOLE new level of scummy. This ad is literally stereotyping elderly people all across the world and saying that every single one of them are "Karens". It's HORRIBLE and WRONG! These people dedicated their lives to helping build this country to what it is today and all this commercial does is calls them lazy and it wants you to suspend the disbelief that all elders are Karens. That is literally the whole theming of this commercial. Hmm, why are elders lazy? Because they can't do crap for themselves anymore! Elders literally need help even getting up off of their butts to even move around, and it's not their fault, it's a part of life! Senior citizens literally helped make this country what it is today, and some of them have even fought in historical battles and wars. Calling these people 'lazy' is really scummy and disgusting! Maybe you might wanna experience actually being an elder first before you spew out this hateful crap! If anything, this does NOT encourage the very elderly people that these ads target to call in for Medicare information, it just makes them feel offended and refuse to do business with them. If I was an elder, and I heard this, good job, your ad just made me seal the deal and choose to NEVER contact you for Medicare info. You make fun of and insult the elders you claim to be for and put an offensive stereotype on them, then you want them to contact you for Medicare info? Disgusting. You are literally stereotyping elders, which is literally your entire goddamn target audience. The people who made this ad should be ashamed of themselves for being so incredibly offensive to elders and insulting and stereotyping them like this. Literally is the most insulting and offensive Medicare ad of them all.

This ad needs to be pulled for this! Worst Medicare ad of all-time just for insulting elders! Take it off the air. Now.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml to c/venting@lemmy.ml

Hello. I am a former Spectrum customer as we ditched Spectrum a while back and switched to Fastwyre Fiber. So far, I have been loving Fastwyre, they have been a joy to work with. A breath of fresh air. But, before that, we were, sadly, a Spectrum customer. And my experience with Spectrum was nothing short of awful. I at some points had constant breakdowns due to Spectrum's horrible and downright dogwater internet service. They were always a pain to deal with and was always the most frustrating ISP we have ever dealt with. They really were a nightmare to deal with on certain days. They seriously pissed me off.

As a Charter Communications customer for over 10 years (including Spectrum years), we expected to be treated fairly and had decent if not good speeds. Nope! As soon as they completed the merger with Time Warner Cable and Bright House, it all went to crap. Speeds of our router slowed down gradually over time with no signs of ever stopping. At some point, we were getting less than a quarter of their actual speeds. It was the absolute worst during the pandemic when everyone was needing access to COVID-19 information like info as well as locations to where they could take their vaccines. It slowed down 10x as much.

One time, I was trying to watch a Twitch stream on my laptop at the time that since got scrapped. Oh my god, the buffering was atrocious. The stream kept buffering every few minutes or so and it literally made the entire stream unwatchable. It actually, honestly, pissed me off and it made me just leave the stream entirely. I wish I was able to just cancel Spectrum right then and there. That day will never be forgotten in my eyes. Spectrum was just yanking our chains at this point, treating us like complete arse. That day seriously made my blood boil because all I wanted to do is relax and watch a Twitch stream. Absolutely atrocious behavior from Spectrum.

In fact, I couldn't even simply browse the internet on certain days without Spectrum deliberately freezing or straight up throttling my traffic. Websites would load like a snail, and sometimes would refuse to load at all. Sometimes, it got so slow that I couldn't access about 99% of websites without being shown the infamous Chrome dino. The fact that I kept seeing that dino on my screen so constantly just proves how inconsistent and unstable their internet is. The internet, at a point, literally got so slow that it iddn't even exceed a single megabyte in speeds. Yep, you heard me. Less than a megabyte both down and up at one point (it hit 0.16 mbps down and 0.02 mpbs up). It is the all-time record for slow Spectrum speeds for me personally. I truly couldn't enjoy my time on the internet with Spectrum due to their inconsistent and crappy speeds. It would get so bad to the point where I would have to use my mobile hotspot pretty much 100% of the time.

And oh boy, their Customer Service to us in particular was incredibly unhelpful and quite frankly assholes at times. All we were doing was just explain that our speeds were constantly going down the crapper and all the time the only response that we got was to restart the router/modem and try again. Sometimes, the reps were just assholes and hung up on us. Your customer is trying to get help, and you just hang up the phone on them purely out of spite? Shame on you! Imagine if I was working for an ISP and I just hung the phone up on you without even helping you! You'd be rightfully pissed off! Well, don't do that crap to us! Well, once they did finally get technicians out there, they only made things worse. First one installed a new router that made our internet go out twice as frequently within the first 5 minutes of it being installed, and the other one changed everything on the box outside of our house, and still made it worse. How do you send two tech guys out and have them manage to make our internet worse?

In fact, there was one time that our internet was out for a whole 3 hours with no word or ETA from Spectrum. It just went down and we did not get a single word or message from them. Everything went down, the phone, the internet, and the cable. We could not access anything, we could not make calls, we could not go online, and we couldn't even watch TV. Every bit of our Spectrum service was down. We just had to sit there and wait for the braindead employees to get it working again. It would have been nice if we were given a word on if there was an outage or if there was scheduled maintenance for our area. Nope! We couldn't even call them to find out what was going on. We just had to sit there for 3 hours waiting for our service to be restored. It took over 3 hours for them to fix our service, the longest outage we have ever faced. And I know others might not be so lucky. Some of you have outages going on for more than a day. A week. Possibly even a month. Some of you may be really unlucky with a year-long outage, but I don't know.

And despite all of that, Spectrum's prices were always outrageously expensive. At one point, the subscription we had to Spectrum Cable literally caused our price to go over $300 on the day our payment was due. Literally. We had to pay that much, and that was the time when we still had the cable portion of our service before we cut cord due to it making our bill insanely expensive. And even when we got rid of Spectrum Cable, our bill for the internet and phone combined still exceeded over $100 per month. We were still expected to pay this much for internet that never worked. And it was like this every month. In fact, it continued to rise every month that we continued to be on Spectrum. We barely had enough left by the end of it. Thanks to my autism check, it was just always barely enough to pay for most of the things we have in our house, like internet and water. So, thankfully, my check managed to keep us from going homeless due to Spectrum's insane prices for poor service. If it weren't for that check keeping us afloat, we'd have been on the streets by now, so I am thankful that check kept us from being evicted..

And speaking of Spectrum Cable, there was barely anything good on our subscription. Every time, there was always good channels getting replaced with channels we have never heard of. I was extremely upset when the good retro channel INSP was replaced with GRIT. INSP was a TV channel where we would watch a lot of classic shows that my uncle who passed away a while back grew up with. He was furious when GRIT replaced INSP, and I can't blame him. GRIT was just a TV channel with nothing but random Western shows that we truly didn't even care about. Spectrum replaced a channel we loved with a channel we couldn't care less about. Thank God that they never touched MeTV while we were still on cable, or there would've been a riot. Also, Spectrum had two contract disputes. One with Viacom, and one with Tribune Broadcasting. The Viacom one was set to bring all Nick channels offline, and thankfully, that never happened. But, the Tribune one happened, and it took our local news channel owned by Fox offline. So, now, there was no way for us to get weather on TV, and it pissed off Chiefs fans who were looking forward to seeing them in the Playoffs (this happened in 2019). And the only Spectrum Original I even cared for was Curfew because it had an interesting show concept.

And oh man, when we had cable, the commercial breaks were awful. Let me sum it up for you. Spectrum ad. Spectrum ad. Medicare ad. Medicare ad. Spectrum ad. Medicare ad. All day, non-stop. I truly was getting fed up with all of the Spectrum ads and Medicare ads! For one, we already have Spectrum, why are you showing us ads for a product we already have, and, quite frankly, don't like? And two, why are you showing us these stupid Medicare commercials 24/7? Oh my God, the ones starring Joe Namath and Jimmie Walker were the most rampant when we had cable. I hated that Joe Namath went from being a former NFL quarterback to a person lying about Medicare benefits, and I hate Jimmie Walker's stupid voice. Him saying "It's FREE!" in that stupid high pitch drove me to madness. The commercial breaks were truly the worst. The Kay Jeweller's ad with that stupid "You Are The Reason" song made me wish I was deaf on numerous occasions. Spectrum's ad breaks on cable were abysmal and I am so glad we cut the cord on them so we didn't have to listen to any more of Spectrum's stupid showboating, the cringe ads, or the blatant and downright scam ads.

And oh man, don't even get me started on that "Directory Assistance" nonsense. It was this stupid phone number that we used frequently if we needed to find a business. Whenever we called, their automated bot responds and asks for the name of a city and/or business. Every single time, the bot either gave us the wrong business or said the name of cities or businesses incorrectly. Their stupid bot made me wanna pull my hair out on numerous occasions. It always took so long before the bot gave up and connected us to an operator who actually would usually send us to the correct place. Sometimes, they also gave incorrect businesses or were complete assholes who just hung the phone up on us, but that was rare, the operators were usually really nice even though we could barely hear a word that they were saying. And every time we were in fact hung up on or given an incorrect business through an operator, we'd have to go through the stupid bot again, and every time we had to, it only made me wanna pull out my hair even more. We had to go through this stupid bot 3 times at one point before an operator gave us the correct business. That day was especially a nightmare.

But, the good news is that I am no longer a Spectrum customer. On the very first day of May this year, we were finally able to disconnect our Spectrum internet and welcome Fastwyre Broadband's fiber internet into our home. And let me tell you, switching was the best decision we have ever made. Our bill has never been increased as far as I am aware, and the internet has constantly and consistently been up every single day with no outages, that is, until the middle of the night when most of us are all sleeping. But, it usually takes them less than 10 minutes to get it back up, and then it's working again. And our speeds? Absolutely incredible. We have always hit over 800 megabits per second both download and upload. Every single time. Almost a gigabyte in speeds every time. We have only had our Fastwyre fiber for a little over 4 months at this point and they have truly been a breath of fresh air. A thousand times better than what Spectrum could ever muster. And as soon as we dumped Spectrum for Fastwyre, they have constantly sent us junk mail in a desperate attempt to get us back by offering huge price discounts and promotions for being a long-time customer. And every time, we just laugh and throw their envelopes into the bin. It's laughable they ever think that will get us back.

In short: Spectrum is an awful ISP, and if you can switch to a better ISP, definitely do so.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago) by HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml to c/venting@lemmy.ml

Like, what the fuck ever happened to compassion?! It just seems like every fucking person online nowadays has to be passive-aggressive to someone JUST to get their stupid point across. Like, why are people so goddamn inconsiderate of others well-beings these days? It seems like they truly get a hate boner from every fucking thing they see online and think it is okay to be an asshole to them. Getting your point across to someone does NOT mean you can be an asshole about it and speak in a very rude and passive-agrressive manner to the OP. Have some goddamn compassion and at LEAST be nice when you're talking to them. Back in the days when I was first on the internet in the early 2000s, people were FAR more understanding of shit and weren't fucking assholes about it when trying to explain something to people. The Wild West of the internet was truly a much different and far better place than the internet we have now. Now, pretty much EVERY site like Reddit and Twitter has assholes being passive-agrressive or have a straight-up shitty attitude in general. Speak your mind even ONCE and people feel the need to be an asshole about it. There are features like the fucking block button for a goddamn reason, use them wisely and efficiently! If you truly do not like what someone has to say, fuck off somewhere else, leave the person alone, and block them if you so chose to. Being a fucking asshat about it doesn't get you anywhere, and NOR does it get your point across. All it does is makes you hated by the people who DO ACTUALLY give a shit. There is a serious fucking lack of respect, empathy, and compassion these days. These days a fucking MONKEY is more compassionate than a human, and I truly hate to say that, but it's true. We are truly going BACKWARDS with being 'human' with each other. This needless rudeness only makes me miss the old internet even more.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml to c/venting@lemmy.ml

I really, really hate bathroom doors that have small lock buttons that you press down on to lock the door. We have two of these in both of the bathrooms we have in our apartmentt. There is a bathroom upstairs in the hallway and a bathroom downstairs near the living room. To lock the doors, we have to press down on these tiny buttons that are next to the door handles. These buttons lock up the handles and prevent them from being turned, so just in case someone doesn't know you're using it, they'll know someone's in there, because the door is locked. The button is supposed to be unlocked when the handle is turned with the handle that is inside of the bathroom, yes, the lock only locks the handle that is outside of the bathroom. It should be fine, right? No problems, right?

Well, I just proved today that these tiny buttons are probably some of the worst, most poorly designed locks I have ever come across in my entire lifetime. I went up to use the downstairs bathroom like I always do, and I always make sure to lock the bathroom door while I am in there so no one acccidentally walks in. on my doing my business. Well, when I got out of the bathroom and turned the door handle, I assumed the lock button was released as I always did, and just turned off the light and closed the door and went about my day as usual. Well, I didn't realize it at the time, but the lock was stuck, it was jammed. It never actually was released, and when I closed the door, the lock was still registered and I closed the door after using the bathroom in our living room without knowing or realizing this.

Well, I truly didn't, until I had to go to the restroom again. I noticed that the door was not opening like it was supposed to, and I also knew that no one was in there, since the light was off and the door waa closed. The only way I would know someone was using it is if the door was closed but the light was on, so this made me very anxious and worried. And so, I tried everything to get this door open: I tried moving the lock using a knife, using the knife to pry the door open, even used a pair of scissors to try to unjam the button that was causing the door to be locked. No dice. Everything I tried was deemed as useless and I eventually assumed the door was going to be permanently locked so I went upstairs to use the bathroom instead and used the bathroom in the hallway. But I definitely couldn't stop stressing about this. A freaking button just caused the door to be locked for what I assumed was to be permanently. But, by God, I managed to open it eventually, and I am so thankful that I 'did' manage too.

Throughout the rest of the day, I was stressing about being scolded for making the bathroom in the living room useless. I even tired finding help online, but no luck still. There was nothing about this button being stuck online, it was only the button in the middle of the door handle that was being discussed. So, I tried one last thing to get this door open, and thank God we had it. I tried using our yellow flyswatter we bought not too long ago to try to pry open the door. I still wasn't having any better luck, the door wouldn't budge. And so, I tried pushing on the bottom of the door as well on top of using the flyswatter. Still nothing. And so, I tried one last thing, and that was to move the flyswatter around the location of big hole where the big metal piece would usually go. I struggled and struggled to get this open, tried every place. And, after struggling for what felt like an eternity, I found a sweet spot, and by God, I got the door open.

When I looked on the other side of the door handle, I noticed something that truly made me wanna facepalm so hard. The lock... was still active. It was pressed down, indicating the door was still technically 'locked'. It was stuck on the 'locked' state the entire time and I didn't even realize it. I truly was so annoyed when I made that discovery, but by God, I got the door open and the bathroom in the living room was finally rendered usuable again. And when I turned the handle again after a few minor inconsistencies, like magic, the lock released and the door was no longer in a locked state. And after I used the bathroom again, I had to test the door handle by opening and closing the door just to make sure it was actually unlocked. And it worked every time.

I hate those bathroom door locks that are just tiny buttons! There is a high chance that they can get stuck and make an entire bathroom inside a household or apartment useless unless you really work for it to get the door open again. These locks are seriously some of the most poorly designed pieces of equipment I have ever seen. Imagine if we moved out with the downstairs bathroom door locked. The next family that moved in would have not been able to even 'use' that bathroom and would only have one bathroom available to them! And there is one of those same stupid lock buttons on the bathroom upstairs in the hallway, too. Both bathrooms we have both have these horrible door locks! And the worst part is that this could've happened to the one upstairs as well. Imagine if it happened to both! We wouldn't 'have' a bathroom! So yeah, I am definitely never, ever going to use either of those locks again. They have failed me once, and they probably will again. I am just going to shut the door from now on with the light on and not lock the door, thank you.

Those tiny lock buttons on the bathroom doors we have are TRULY Asshole Design.

submitted 4 weeks ago by HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml to c/memes@lemmy.ml
[-] HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml 19 points 1 month ago

LINK JUST IN CASE ANYONE NEEDS IT: https://woc.sunrise.games

[-] HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml 20 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Scan Complete!


Viruses Found

A New Record!!

[-] HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml 57 points 1 month ago

Guess my favorites..!


"What is this? Did the quadratic formula explode? I see a 'Strong ba' in there, but it's getting eaten, by some... Linux or something."


"No way. You're just a kid! Maybe when you're older..."

[-] HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml 14 points 2 months ago

"Do you guys not have phones?"

This is literally every company in a nutshell when they ask you to enter in a phone number and it turns you do not have access to one. I hate that this has become the norm.

[-] HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml 17 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Jesus fucking Christ, can companies stop making shit so fucking overly complicated?

It's like everything has to be a fucking overly complicated maze or puzzle these days.

[-] HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml 16 points 2 months ago

Today was officially my breaking point when Discord asked me YET AGAIN to enter a fucking phone number.

I am getting sick and fucking tired of every fucking site on the Internet expecting you to have a fucking phone! 🤬

[-] HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml 33 points 2 months ago

Do what you want cause a pirate is free, you are a pirate! ☠

[-] HotWheelsVroom@lemmy.ml 28 points 3 months ago

"WhAt wE hAvE hErE iS a FaIlUrE tO CoMmUnICaIt."

I fucking love Major Payne 😂😂😂

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