Preamble: I'm doing this because I have some feelings I need to get out of my head for my own mental health, and thusly I am just as guilty of doing what I am condemning in this post. Also, I started writing this before fully thinking it through so if it seems like my post doesn't follow the title exactly that is why.

Pretty much as the title says, I truly believe humanity in general was never meant to know, or let others know, everything that happens in their life good or bad. The reason for this is that it is impossible to explain nuance with just words, you need verbal and/or face to face communication to adequately explain to people situations in your life. Just saying something bad happened to you on the internet doesn't really explain to people how bad it was to people. You know what does let people know how bad of a situation you are in is? Having an emotional breakdown. It's ugly, and terrifying to most people, and it should be because it lets people know you are going through real shit.

People can discount and simplify horrible actions on the internet without adequately experiencing the pain of the victim. They can easily ignore proof, or add what they think is context, but is actually just an excuse to victim blame. It's easy to logically, or illogically in some cases, explain things away without taking into account how the person in the horrible situation felt. This is not me trying to victim blame, but it is me trying to say that victims having easy access to a place to post their trauma to the world without having access to proper care does not really help them in the long run, and can in fact make things worse. Yes, I am aware how loaded "proper care" is, but that is not point of this post. I do think people need to "vent" (I'm simplifying extremely here because victims do not simply "vent") their feelings for their own mental health, I just do not think that doing so to random strangers on the internet who are not interested in listening is in the best interest of anyone who needs to vent. Most people on the internet just want to "solve" the problem. They want the problem to go away. That's about it. I will not go into it here because this post is already long enough, but the other side is that people were also not meant to ingest random people's trauma.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 144 points 2 months ago

I'm okay with that. I don't want some program I don't control having access to the kernel of my system.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 59 points 5 months ago

Can we stop calling these glorified chat bots "AI" now?

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 107 points 8 months ago

It's weak to have a problem and deny it. Toxic masculinity is a show of weakness not strength.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 73 points 9 months ago

Bold of you to assume I can control how my body moves while I'm asleep.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 56 points 10 months ago

To give you a hint, Kirby is actually an eldrich god.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 95 points 11 months ago

My favorite part about generations is how the cut off changes with every source I look at. Like, technically I'm a millennial, but I was born in '81 which is only sometimes part of the millennial age range and never part of the gen x age range. It's almost as if generations are entirely fabricated and not real.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 58 points 1 year ago

Talk about blowing shit out of proportion. People need to realize that making death threats is a good way to make the bad guys look like the good guys.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 111 points 1 year ago

Jesus Christ. When Mitt Romney starts looking progressive you fucked up.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 62 points 1 year ago

The connotation is that Rogan is an idiot who might be a decent guy, but he will say and do anything to prevent his guests from being pissed at him. This includes, but is not limited to, agreeing with some of the most toxic, misogynist, people you probably know.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 64 points 1 year ago

The real answer, if I remember, is that DS9 did not have Federation health functionality because it was a Cardassian outpost and was in pretty bad disrepair.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 77 points 1 year ago

You feel a tingle in the back of your mind. You want to change your mouse cursor. Authority.

[-] HRDS_654@lemmy.world 127 points 1 year ago

I will say this, and some may consider this my hot take; I feel like Linus needs to step back from responding to community feedback as well. I get that it's his company and he probably feels responsibility to respond, but he does not respond well to criticism. The biggest tell on how his employees feel was Luke's face during the video. It was obvious even without him saying anything that he knew the hot take response was not going to turn out well. These situations are part of being a CEO not an owner and Linus needs to show that he trusts the new CEO enough to respond accordingly. Linus continues to handle this problem in the exact wrong manner when he shouldn't be handling it at all m

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