Western music: If it approaches politics in its lyrics and it dunks on government policies, capitalism, war etc. even explicitly, the message gets ignored and even enjoyed by people it's supposed to criticise. For example, Reagan using Born in the USA for his 1984 election campaign, in spite of the lyrics being about war crimes in the Vietnam War.

Socialist country music: "If you look at the lyrics in this love song, you will find a metaphor about how communism is bad and how much they hate it! My heart aches for you, I want to reach you but you're not there [Not a real song, I made them up] See? the song is about the deep desire of the Author to escape the prison that's their countries but being unable to - how else can you interpret this?" - Libs both foreign and domestic. Based on a review of a Polish album I saw on rateyourmusic, but something that keeps popping up again and again whenever there's discourse on socialist era media.

Something something Michael Parenti and hostile evidence.


Why yes, a plot important item in this 1983 anime is just a newspaper article from the East German Socialist Unity Party newspaper "Neues Deutschland" on the 37th Conference of the COMECON, why do you ask?

...which funnily also implies that someone in the production team was fluent in German and read communist newspapers. Or that the production was at least partially outsourced to the GDR? Though that's less likely, considering the country was way less partial to collaboration with western capital than say Poland or Yugoslavia.

Also, the usage of natural light on the animation cell for lighting effects. Something that is both common in that era, and something I find appealing.

As for the show - it's fun. Basically a more down to earth Lupin III. It's also way less horny and problematic than City Hunter (the author's next manga, and a guilty pleasure of mine - the main character's behavior after the first 8 episodes or so to the very end of the anime there is very problematic, but the rest is mostly quite good imo.), which was a pleasant surprise considering it has female protagonists in a shounen manga from the early 80s.


Well yeah, that's part of the problem. Also the utter failure to reign Azov's influence in, Among other things.

Oh yeah, election season just started yesterday in Poland

Anti capitalism is basically illegal there too, with immediate suspicions of being DPRK intelligence operations and the like

Poland's Sabre-rattling a lot, I suppose. There's a Wagner on the border hysteria in Both far-right State media and lib private media, As well as a detailed reporting on basically all battles in Ukraine, etc.

Like ai mentioned in a recent megathread, the government (Morawiecki, I think) announced the movement of 10k troops to the Belarus border.

Actually, it's a result of dissatisfaction with that Government. Zelensky got popular for his reformist Plattform after all, promising among other things improved relations with Russia.

He didn't deliver, and before the war as I understand it, the popularity of "Servant of the People" was declining, as I understand it.

Ty nic nie wiesz o świecie na którym żyjesz poza tym że ci mówią które kraje są dobre a które złe

If anyone's going to attack Poland (which they won't.) it's gonna be from it's own sabre rattling. There's nothing more that pleases people from PO to PiS and anything inbetween than it's neighbors getting losses, be it Germany, Russia, Belarus and any country that's not in its own sphere of influence like the rest of the Reddit Belt

It's rated 8,77/10 (Manga) and 8,66 (Anime) respectively what-the-hell

I had a similar morbid curiosity "how bad can it get?" binge with Oreimo

(Spoilers, CW - Pedo Shit, Incest)It mixes a libertarian Otaku manifesto of the anything goes kind with a fucked up romance plot.

One of the main characters is a initially 14 years old loathsome person to who's obsessed with incest themed visual novels and forces his 18 year old brother to play them too and otherwise experience the "joys" of Otaku consoomerism.

Though this, he meets a bunch of more and less problematic people, such as a tropey yandere who loves to kick him and threaten with a knife, the chuunni who views herself as a dark being, and the like.

The show has you think he heads towards a relationship with one of these people, but in Season 2 things take a further sharp turn towards the yikes as he starts alienating all his friends one by one (even to the point of an actual fistfight between his sister and childhood friend), even breaking up with one, just to pursue his fucking underage sister. And when he inevitably does, and the even get fake-married... the show pulls a masterpiece of an ending by having them go "Let's end the relationship after the summer holidays and return to being normal siblings" - pulling all that awful shit in the storytelling just to chicken out at the last moment michael-laugh

The show's either awful or a masterpiece if you have brainworms of the bad Media enjoyer kind.

But the problem is that such media is allowed to exist and in fact thrives, from either genuinely brainwormed people or morbid curiosity prone people, likely the same in Japan as here.

Normalizing pedophilic content, Incest, etc. That's really not a good thing, to say the least.

That federation thing is annoying because when I see libs making claims I have the urge to effortpost in reply, and get really frustrated if I'm not 100% sure on something or am struggling to find the correct wording.

And of course, odds are they won't listen or that I am wrong after all gah

Hunter-gatherer societies started settling down with the invention of agriculture, and force began being used to grant ownership of the land to the strongest.

These societies began coalescing and creating the first cities, and these landowners expaned their power to take over as Kings and less powerful ones as the nobility.

With the use of that might, people belonging to other realms were forced to work as slaves.

Slavery became widespread (in western countries) and needed constant war to get more slaves as the economy grew, because less slaves = more labor needed to expand.

Expanding in that way is unsustainable and leads to stagnation or overextension, such as what happened to the Roman Empire. It was in a deep crisis when it collapsed in the 5th century and its slave based economy was becoming obsolete.

This system was replaced by armed nobles dividing the land and its subjects between themselves, giving them a small piece of land and protection in exchange of forced loyalty, taxes and the ability to be forced to fight for the lord of the land. An attractive proposition in times of societal collapse like Europe had.

Eventually, this rule of noble families started losing its power as improvements in technology and colonization gave inner city artisans a growing amount of influence and wealth from the ability to produce things increasingly fast and easier.

Peasants started moving into cities and leaving the lord's lands. This process accelerated drastically with the invention of the steam engine and the nobility began being seen as obsolete and parasitic. The revolutions of the late 18th century made this decline permanent. The remaining nobles were forced to either join the bourgeois and become businessmen with fancy titles, fade away into obscurity or fight back and have their country become a Target of capitalism.

Capitalism, the new system, is based on producing more and more, faster and faster. Because you need to outdo the competition to not go bankrupt, and the competition needs to do the same. You need to lower costs and increase profits. You have to produce cheaper so you fight to keep wages low and working conditions poor, extract resources in ways that are cheap (even if damaging the environment), find more places to sell your goods to (even if they don't want you to), drive your competition out of business, etc. Especially as new businesses are founded and join the same race to the bottom against you, making it faster.

It's not even that they necessary want to do this stuff. It's just the ones that "blink" and chicken out of doing one of these things is more likely to fail at doing business, go bankrupt, stagnate, exist as a niche only, etc.

It's the issue of "You have 10€ in your wallet. The product from the place workers are treated well and does everything by the book costs 15€ and the one where they dump trash in a ditch out back and don't clean the floors is 7€, which one do you buy?"

It's a symbol from the Weimar Republic.

It was used by the iron front, the socdem paramilitary organization of the SPD. it meant opposition to nazism, monarchism and communism.

There's two kinds of people - Bozos who know what it means and have vile political views, and those who don't know what it means and think it's a generic antifascist symbol... but likely still have similar views to the ones mentioned before.

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