[-] FunkyButter@lemmy.world 16 points 1 year ago

He has been censured by the Israeli government and stripped him of his ability to be in briefing meetings. Many in the Knesset are also now working to have him removed. The prime minister immediately released a statement that this was completely inappropriate and contrary to the way in which the IDF operates in accordance with the rules of armed conflicts.

[-] FunkyButter@lemmy.world 5 points 1 year ago

I wasn’t going to give that uncredible source and those cherry-picked “holocaust scholars” any credence.

[-] FunkyButter@lemmy.world 7 points 1 year ago

Albanese at the UN, who is quoted in your article has a long and documented history of bias against Israel, not to mention the UN itself, which has condemned Israel more than any other nation, even while 300,000 people were being slaughtered in Soudan and Al Assad killed 550,000 of his own citizens (100,000+ were women and children) using chemical weapons - the UN still fixated on the Arab Israeli conflict, which while tragic, has killed at max, an estimated 100,000 over the last 75 years. It is actually one of the least bloody conflicts in modern history. Not that dead civilians is ever a good thing, but if I were to focus all my time and attention on a conflict due to human rights violations or the number of dead babies, there are at least a half a dozen conflicts to focus on before you come to Israel/Palestine.

[-] FunkyButter@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago

A single stray rocket from within Gaza killed 500 people. Israel has dropped over 10,000 bombs so far. If Israel was trying to commit genocide or intentionally hit civilians the numbers would be astronomical with regards to death toll. It is, of course, terrible that there is 7000+ dead, but a word like genocide has a specific meaning, and to use it in this context takes weight away from the word and therefore marginalizes the term being used for ACTUAL genocides.

[-] FunkyButter@lemmy.world 14 points 1 year ago

The ever growing population in Gaza says otherwise.

[-] FunkyButter@lemmy.world 12 points 1 year ago

Egypt is a free country that could let in as many as they wanted. But Egypt says “no” citing security concerns. Of course, make the security concerns Israel’s problem and chastise them when they are forced to deal with it.

[-] FunkyButter@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago

You mean the world finally allowed the Jewish people to establish a country in their ancestral homeland (which has maintained a Jewish presence in that land for the last 4000 years) and the Arab world continually rejects a partition plan that would allow 2 states for 2 people, instead resorting to terrorism and a repeated call for the extermination of the Jewish people, resulting in Israel having to do what it must to protect its interests and the interests of the Jewish people everywhere.

Let’s not forget - the people referring to themselves as Palestinians could have had a state any number of times in the last century, but it’s not really about that, it’s about killing Jews. If a state is what they wanted, they could have had it by now:

San Remo conference decisions, 1920 League of Nations decisions, 1922 Peel Commission proposal, 1937 UN General Assembly proposal, 1947 Israel’s stretched out hand for peace, 1948 Israel’s offer of fixed official borders, 1949 Israel’s stretched out hand for peace, 1967 Begin/Saadat peace proposal, 1978 Rabin’s contour-for-peace, 1995 Barak/Clinton peace offer, 2000 Sharon’s peace gesture, 2005 Olmert/Bush peace offer, 2008 Netanyahu’s invitation for peace, talks, 2009 Obama/Kerry contour-for peace, 2014

[-] FunkyButter@lemmy.world 21 points 1 year ago

The missiles launched were from Lebanon into Israel. Then Israel retaliated with artillery.


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