[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 17 points 2 years ago

If I had a dollar for every person who found out something about themselves while playing DnD, I'd have a small fortune.

[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 15 points 2 years ago

I love Lancer shitposts because they always come across like a murder letter written by the utterly deranged.

...which honestly fits Lancer players, from what I have seen of the game.

[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 9 points 2 years ago

Assigned Cactus At Birth.

...wait shit that acronym already exists.

[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 5 points 2 years ago

I discovered I was bisexual because I made a gay mad scientist.

Ayyyyyy, part of the reason I found out I'm trans is through realising I enjoyed playing female characters moreso than men, and had an easier time doing it.


Panel 1: Bilbo Baggins holding a character sheet.

  • Bilbo: "After all, why not?"

Panel 2: character sheet now has a transgender pride flag in it.

  • Bilbo: "Why shouldn't I make this character trans?"
[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 4 points 2 years ago

Here we see the majestic players in their natural habitat...

[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 5 points 2 years ago

'tis what I try. I regurgitated her full story in another reply but I do try to balance the brooding and the unhealed pain with party momminess and so far it's working.

She might just need a hug or several herself every now and then but she's a good boss.

[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 12 points 2 years ago

My party's already horny on main 99% of the time, don't give them more ideas!

[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 10 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Well, my lady, Inverness of Tarrow, was devised as a knight (actually a homebrewed hexblade warlock, we were playing in DnD 5e) who would fall to one of the dark forces we're antagonising in the campaign and struggle with an allegiance to a higher being of much greater power than any mortal could imagine, while also remaining loyal to her party. This caused one of the party members (in-character) to abandon the group entirely.

...it just so happened that the edge quickly wore off after my soft ass realised I couldn't deal with being mean in-character, plus the others being very cute. Due to being charismatic, she drifted into a leadership position in the party, and had a full redemption arc which ended in one of her arms being lopped off to sever her connection to her patron. She keeps the dark aesthetic while trying to make up for her misdeeds via just being as cosy of a person as she can. That explains the Goth and the Party Mommy.

As for the Finnish... long story short, the nation she hails from is basically fantasy Finland and she was always described as having a pretty strong accent, being far too used to monstrous beasts and other crazy shit that happens in her country, and enjoying saunas a lot.

All because I made a ripoff of Yuria of Londor that went a bit too far with stealing from Dark Souls.

[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 6 points 2 years ago

You are correct! When I was making my character, I soon realised she ended up becoming Yuria with the serial numbers filed off so I just decided "well, why not rip-off Souls even more?"

[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 11 points 2 years ago

Just some pals being lads, living the old days of going out, getting drunk, and eating souls with the homies. What's wrong with that?

[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 4 points 2 years ago

I suppose if you're feeling really mean, you can always use the dreaded STR save.

By that point, what are you even trying to do though?


Art by Tuda6 (left) and GiganticBuddha (right).

[-] Endybendy@ttrpg.network 9 points 2 years ago

They're neat, but I do find them to be quite Spooky.

I'll see myself out-

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