While I do keep up with stuff lightly I'm largely unaware of all upcoming content. Kind of excited for the upcoming global stream.
Just as crazy is the amount of individuals refusing to believe in science despite a history of proven issues. I have a few within my circle that I increasingly do not associate with because the rhetoric coming from them just do not make sense.
No idea what to do long term besides doing what I think is best after evaluating options and maybe trying to influence a decision or two. I don’t let it keep me up at night however too much to keep up with.
It's a toss up between Dorothy's Vision and Stultifera Navis.
Dorothy's Vision has the entire simulated world vs reality. At the end of the day Dorothy was really just trying to create an alternative world. With the revelation that those in the simulated world were truly volunteers it puts things into a good perspective to me. Dorothy being the creator and destroyer of her invention solidified Dorothy for me.
SN has all of the seaborn lore going for it and I feel that every time we get a seaborn chapter we are just left with more questions instead of answers. Also a huge Irene simp.
Both of these also lightly touch on the whole fake sky / extra terrestrial thing where we continue to get hints but never answers.
A business corporation is organized and carried on primarily for the profit of the stockholders. The powers of the directors are to be employed for that end. The discretion of directors is to be exercised in the choice of means to attain that end, and does not extend to a change in the end itself, to the reduction of profits, or to the nondistribution of profits among stockholders in order to devote them to other purposes.
This was pulled from Case law on the fiduciary duty of directors to maximize the wealth of corporate shareholders with a few more cases sometimes in favor of the business and others in favor of the shareholder. If anyone else wants to read some more on this. Reading some more based on what searches I find it seems like in reality it complicated. But I'm just a individual contributor all of this is above my knowledge grade.
I do agree though that this model is not realistic long term. Eventually you need to jump into other markets to continue your growth or just squeeze your user base / customers dry.
What the other person mentioned. This is just one US based source.
ALL electricity was a quarter of the emissions in 2021. Meanwhile just burning gas to get from point a to point b hovers around 28%.