what if we use deep learning based automoderators to instantly nuke these posts as they appear? For privacy and efficiency let's make the model open source and community maintained.. maybe even start a seperate donation for maintaining this, and maybe even make it a public API!
Crupto is not stock or gold. Crypto is not an investment. These crypro "chads" (yeah sure) thinks crypto is an investment.. It's like saying "hey! look at this new currency by this government! Surely this will 100X!! Let me buy a shit ton of it"
what if its Monero?
Also, this sounds like it will require way too much intelligence in the network itself
Yes that can be a disadvantage
isn't that an overlay network running on Top of IP? can't someone just deny access?
what if someone is using Tor to hack your services? Then you will be blocking Tor exit IP,therebty also censoring Tor users.
Overlay networks like Tor has another problem too, you will have to trust the network nodes, and someone can just run a lot of nodes to control a big portion of the network, or can just deny acces to the network.
maybe not today or tomorrow, but having an idea floating around helps people consider it in the far future if an architectural change becomes necessary
probably some issue with decryption...
maybe try with a different browser or VPN?
This is a concept, frankly I don't think our govts or corpos will have any interest in this 😂 but we need to think privacy at a network level
what if web3 is anonymous overlay networks like Tor hidden services? It a completely new concept to internet itself, and if directly implemented on hardware it will be true Web3
maybe we can make a SFW bot an train it on general porn.. most of the communities do not allow porn anyway right?