submitted 2 years ago by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/bravebrowser@lemmy.ml



  • Improved general performance by fixing cosmetic filters. (#22030)
  • Added "Enable Tab Group auto creation" setting under "Appearance" which controls the ability to open links in separate tabs. (#22105)
  • Fixed rounding issues under Brave Wallet via the "Send" and "Swap" panels by increasing the digits after the decimal to 0.00000000 (8 digits) from 0.000000 (6 digits). (#22257)
  • Fixed crash when attempting to send opened tab to another devices on sync chain using "Send to your devices". (#22128)
  • Upgraded Chromium to 100.0.4896.127. (#22318) (Changelog for 100.0.4896.127)


submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/hoch@lemmy.ml

I do not need to mention the impact it had on the PC as well as on consoles.

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago

It’s the other way around. Which browser you use is what directly determines whether monopoly and private companies develop the standard you use.

No it is not, this is a myth. As you also can use free software on closed OS, which happens to be the standard. Keyword Microsoft and Windows. You also can choose to not support this, it is you and not the monopoly. If there is no alternative that is usable, people continue to use what they got. It is the underlying problem, Firefox is so bad and so unusable by default, so people switch or use something else. Nothing to do with Monopoly. The standards itself are created and dictated by monopolies, so it plays no role what you use if it anyway ends up that you must support such standards.

You could write a standard independently of those companies, but then if everyone chooses to use browser engines from companies that don’t follow it, what’s the point?

The point is that user generated or govt establish frameworks can b used as basis.Its useless if you build a browser surrounded by standards created by Microsoft, IBM etc alone.

If everyone uses a particular browser then whatever that browser implements becomes the standard. It’s all about what browser you use.

This is already the case, you can choose not to use FLoC. Nothing changes here.

If what you want is everyone using the same basis, then what you need is to get everyone to use the same browser engine (which is what is happening already).

Please learn the difference between Browser engine and web standards, nonsense you talk here. Your Browser engine can adopt, implement or reject standards. Irrelevant in dyding discussion anyway since you provide absolute no solutions yourself in the discussion here, like everyone else people feeding off my ideas, practical in every thread. That you cannot continue is clear, web gives a shit about Mozilla, clearly the case. Some people hold together by hopes and delusions do not represent the web. Never did.

The discussion here is not about Browser you use, as people use whatever works best for them, and not what implements xyz, this is clearly shown in practical every thread. So enforcing your ideas will not work for the mass, better way around is to create open frameworks, documents that are actually usable and directly easily reviewable because at the end of the day your Browser runs pretty much on Android and iOS and not a open system. There exist open alternatives but they are not well funded, future unclear and the web - the main user - does not use it, they trust big corpos, they rely on their eco-system. Like Mozilla relies on money from yahoo, google etc in the past. Corpos you shit-talk.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/bravebrowser@lemmy.ml

In this release, we:

  • Added the ability to sync passwords saved in the Brave browser between desktop and your iOS device.
  • Improved Brave Shields, especially on sites like youtube.com.
  • Added Night Mode, making it easier to view and read websites in low light.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/green@lemmy.ml

I hate humans, hybris, stupid, selfish.... the waste will blow up like popcorn one day...

The stupidity is grotesque and reminds me on the dontlookup movie...

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Nonsense video, underlying problem is monopolies and private companies who develop the standards, not what browser you use.

If the standards are fully open, transparent and not concerning then it would make no difference if you use chrome and firefox because everyone would use same basis.

Also chromium team is not purchased or owned by Google, most volunteers are normal people, developers or security researchers that code on it in their free time. You can fork, modify the source as you please but that does not change the argumentation about web standards and how build or control them.

submitted 2 years ago by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/bravebrowser@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 years ago by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/hoch@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/piracynews@lemmy.ml

Same old story, DMCA the competition out of the game.

~~GitHub~~ Shithub name changed for fun and profit. 🤡🤥

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/hoch@lemmy.ml

With 3.1 the beginning of computer sales as we know it basically started. In that time IBM had basically full market control.

submitted 2 years ago by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/piracynews@lemmy.ml
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/bravebrowser@lemmy.ml

Peter Snyder, senior director of privacy at Brave browser, told Lifewire via email that although Topics is slightly better than FLoC, it certainly doesn't improve privacy.

submitted 2 years ago by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/archlinux@lemmy.ml


I already contacted 2 maintainers that we maybe finally get a proper changelog page.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml to c/piracynews@lemmy.ml

Useless but unique and worth to mention I guess.

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I already did and most of it are opinions from others. Why value their opinions over mine or your own... As already linked via wikipedia the movie can be interpreted differently and there are more opinions on that. Your link does not change the fact here.

But okay, let’s agree on disagreeing.

Yop. 🙏

My key argument simply is that the whole argumentation for fags and other now mentioned stuff was mentioned AFTER years. The things is most people just did not see it that way even if the author intended something different because afterwards I also can claim xyz but the audience, and most people I talked about saw it clearly as anarchy. It is similar with my Matrix example, at that time NO ONE saw any connection to transgender but now after Hollywood got a shit-blast they make it as an argument and suddenly all was about that, which is also not the case and not what most people saw.

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Maybe watch the movie and not a video about random people that watched the movie and give their opinion on that, the destruction clearly symbolizes fall of social structures which is clearly anarchy not fascism.

Giroux and Szeman identify Tyler Durden as a failed icon of the revolution whose public appeal is more due to his cult personality than any "strengths of an articulated, democratic notion of political reform." Durden acts instead of thinking and thereby fails to envision democratic movements; he is described as "a holdover of early-twentieth-century fascism". While the narrator represents the crisis of capitalism as a crisis of masculinity, Tyler Durden represents "redemption of masculinity repackaged as the promise of violence in the interests of social and political anarchy".


There is also an opinion or interpretation of fascism but no one I know interprets it that way. Most people see destruction - anarchy, which also was my first impression when I saw the movie.

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago

Not sure what LGBTO, homosexuality has something to do with anarchy. Absolute nothing.

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Not according to this discussion.

They are on the opposite ends of the Politcal spectrum. One, Anarchy, is the belief that there should be no government at all while the other, fascism, is the belief that the government should control Everything.

Tyler want to control it himself, not give it up. So anarchist is correct.

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

I understand that you are upset, because annoying ads are always bad. However, I think if that is optional via opt-in it maybe, maybe can help smaller developers assuming the ads are well placed.

I use Brave + ads enabled and I do not mind a small mini popup. Sometimes I see some news because of that which I reshare, so it actually helps me. What I want to say is, that when ads are well placed and not annoying or malwaretised I see not much issue to place them in an app as long it is not privacy invasive, I think that is the real challenge here. Because ads have a history of malwaretising. Brave fights this by filtering ads trough their proxy, there is a review for every new ad provider. I see here the issue with a normal unfiltered app, imagine your 8 years old kid gets a XXX ad or clicks on malware stuff.

THAT is what I am worried about.

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

Why, even FOSS needs support. See OBS Studio, Wikipedia etc. Without supports good projects go to waste.

  • Developers can decide to introduce it in their apps or not. I am sure not every QT developer will adopt this.
  • People will be able to opt-in, opt-out. I am pretty sure they provide us with an option.
  • Most people do not donate, so an additional income thing could help.
  • The other option would be crypto.

We are not talking about MS who introduce ads in Explorer which need some ad-blocking, hosts or registry hacks. Linux is more transparent and there will be options to control this.

Do I like it, nope. But it is better than alternatives to shutdown project because lack of funding or struggling to expand because only few people are willingly to donate.

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 3 points 2 years ago

Please give...

  • Nazis
  • People who spread right-winged ideology
  • Conspiracy people
  • Pedos

... never a voice on Lemmy.

Such people and groups abuse platforms to win new people for their purposes or to confuse, lie and deceive others.

Thanks for reaction so fast in this case btw.

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

We have already systems to notify users.

  • Most IT Professionals are aware that Kerberos, SMB and Co. is a hole for issues, it is nothing new to them.
  • We have social media, Reddit or your linked HN Website, what makes you think people are faster submitting new stuff to GitHub, well there is no difference, if you post it on Twitter, GitHub or what, people need to find that first.
  • We already have CVE databases you can look up for years.
  • On huge events, even TV news will do.
  • People exploit the moment the ghost is out of the bottle, it is all about preventation as well as management. News alone is not enough.
  • Notify users about each new attack and leak will result that people care less because they feel helpless and think ... oh okay, just another daily attack.
  • Log4j was over-hyped, like most things, most software that normal people use like Browser were never affected, using a hyped problem as example how slow something is, is seriously no real argument because IT-Professionals need time to review the findings before coming to conclusions.
  • High reputation software such as Thunderbird are less to be affected, because they patch things first, they have huge user-base. You see this in every changelog when they fix security issues.
  • Saying that SMS or what is maybe expensive is weird, if you target professionals, no professional will reg via SMS or in other words his phone number. Typical use case is RSS which is cheap.
  • There are 0-days sold on the black market that are being used for months, you never hear from them and they have much bigger impact, usually because people who code them keep their source closed or even if they sell them, people have no interest to pay a lot of money and then leak it for free to the public, in most scenarios, there are white-hats of course, they abuse it. The argumentation that just because something is out for hours is unprofessional. Google, MS etc. have disclose time between 60 and 90 DAYS before they do something.

I like that you try to do something, but it would be better joining existent solutions instead of creating another services that might vanish into the void like half of the rest who tried. GitHub is also pretty unchill regarding malware, if you post something that can directly used to exploit GitHub or others, they will close your repo without any warning in advance.

If your target are admins then consider making this more clear, otherwise people will use this information and use it to exploit others.

Bugalert does not look so hot ...

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)
  • Title is clickbait.
  • People only upvote it because admin posted it, that is all.
  • Web is not controlled by larger companies only, they might be the ones with most impact, true but they do not dictate what you should do. Face it, most people believe everything Microsoft, Google telling them no matter if it is right or wrong because they think big Corps have more credibility.
  • We have dozens of articles like this already, why write another one … What have you done to make things better… Why not list organizations like EFF who fight for us or help them to get more attention.
  • Saying things like - we cannot do much about it - without even trying to provide some solution is seriously the wrong way to motivate readers.
  • Even domain name is based and redpilled.
  • Echo chambering the same over and over again helps how ... People will give up an feel helpless.

Here is what people could do

  • Support small platforms like Lemmy, Fediverse in general.
  • Support actual organization that fight for you, such as EFF.
  • Instead of whining that web is miserable, I read this nonsense since 20+ years now, each year new clickbait ... oh adblock destroys the web, oh Microsoft destroys the web, web is broken … Blah blah blah. Provide some serious solutions, because this is what will consume Brain power here. Some people actually did, created crypto and other systems that are not controlled by the big Corpos or the government.

My opinion on the submission and Tech + Web, not meant to offend but my little review on this.

[-] CHEFKOCH@lemmy.ml 0 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

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