Thanks! I'll definitely buy something from them! I've looked all the time for linen clothes, but they all were manufactured in Asia. I got this as a Christmas present. Ukrainian made, amazing quality!
USA is waaaay down than Ruzzia at this moment. At least the ruzzians were declaring their intentions openly. The USA betrayed all its allies and this is worse. The genie is out of the bottle, folcks!
It's hard to comprehend how people still don't get how the downvote works: if you dislike the person/action depicted in the post, there's no point to downvote. That person won't be affected, only the OP. You basically punish someone for bringing the information forward and this is stupid!
Es gibt Giesswein aber sie haben Produktion nach China gezogen lezte Jahr leider :(
I think Europe as a continent, but not limited to Europe only. I think nobody will raise their eyebrows if we buy Canadian...
joined 3 days ago
Per month? Vivaldi, the European Chromium based browser, offers 2T for 5 euro/month through their Shadow cloud service. Right now I'm uploading my stuff on it :) And the browser is sick (in a good way), better than Brave, with a lot more features and options.