Just to be sure we don't tell him by accident what is name and contact info again?
Different name same bullshit
Let try it out? It's not like it will be hard to find one religious shit are everywhere
Dull sword paid actor fake village we got ourself a skyrim truman show let's make it happen !
And religious extremist lead the GOP to children rape and to all the laws against women to keep the supply of young kid so if i have to choose ? Let a guy marry is turtle
Forgot something if you were a lawmaker you probably had so much money from those company that you would not care.
The goal here always been to make it look like they do something usefull not actually do it.
If everything around you is harmful maybe you are the harmful one google
No but using their religious mental gymnastic help them think they do nothing wrong
Sound like a suicide
Next step you have to use L33t speak to be able to post on X
We beleive in second chance here so welcome !
The "parents know best" movement as to die parenting is hard but making kids is easy AF that why dumb people do it all the time and dumb people make dumb parents