[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 16 points 5 months ago

Gonna have to disagree here. The social aspect of it all is just as important of the medical aspect. While there are trans issues that are mostly medical in nature, there are equally trans issues that are more social in nature.

I'm not sure what contexts you've seen truscum being used in, but from what I know it's a term used for people who insist on a medical diagnosis in order to be trans. The problem with this, imo, is twofold. There's a long history of medical gatekeeping that enforced cisheteronormativity in order to get a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, leaving out all other forms of self-identity (among a whole host of philosophical issues). And the second is just the lack of understanding and research of the broader medical community. Treatment guidelines are all over the place, often misguided, and usually inadequate to achieve the goals of the patient.

Truscum rhetoric often reinforces cisheteronormativity which is mostly antithetical to what being trans is about in the first place. That's not to say that the trans community doesn't struggle with medical diagnoses or that that's not important, but to use a diagnosis as the benchmark of what being trans is, is usually needlessly exclusionary.

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 71 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

So basically, James Somerton stole literally all of his content from other queer creators while positioning himself as the de-facto queer creator to support. And by "all his content", it really means all his content. Every. Single. Thought. Was plagiarized from someone else's writing. And the extremely few that didn't revealed that James Somerton is a crazy misogynist Nazi-loving lesbophobic transphobe.

Basically, he's a massive piece of shit who's comically evil to a mind-numbing degree.

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 67 points 9 months ago

title is some crazy unsubstantiated clickbait, and the article itself is a massive nothing burger. Basically, there are more trans people recorded in the poorer parts of the UK, and they generally have poorer mental health than cis people. Which is entirely unsurprising and unhelpful at this broad of an analysis.

To be clearer, the distinction I'm drawing is that the title implies causation when all the study is is a correlation. "There are more trans people in poorer areas" is not the same statement as "poor people are more likely to be trans."

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 13 points 9 months ago

ah, yes. because respecting someone's identity and being willfully evil by refusing to are exactly the same things, yup. Brilliant deduction there, sir Watson!

Freedom of speech my ass. You just want to be an asshole without facing the consequences.

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 12 points 11 months ago

Have you tried reader mode? In both firefox and chrome (i think, I haven't checked other browsers) there's a button usually in the address bar that you can click and it'll format the article into a readable page instead of a bunch of ad-riddled garbage. It works pretty well generally.

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 21 points 11 months ago

Democrats 🤝 Republicans

Fucking the poor. The only point they have in common.

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 15 points 11 months ago

Am i mistaken in believing that cloud computing naturally lends itself to only having a couple of big players in the space? The whole point of the technology is to have someone else do the hosting for you, and the people doing the hosting win out by economies of scale.

This would be a different conversation if they found evidence in the software that it was throttling smaller competitors, but without any more information this seems like a lot of nothing?


It's been a while since I've been on reddit so I thought I'd browse some of my old fav subs that haven't really migrated to lemmy. These are mostly queer subs along the line of r/actuallesbians and r/tgcj.

I noticed that these subs were suspiciously missing from my front page. There's still plenty of activity on these subs and they used to show up on my feed all the time, but now I can't find a single post on my page. I have to actually go out and manually open up the subs.

I know that Reddit kept queer subs out of the Reddit Recap a while back, but this is on a whole 'nother level. Either some background setting has changed and that's the reason I don't see my favorite subs anymore, or Reddit has just started cracking down on queer communities again. Either way, disgusting.

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 16 points 1 year ago

Don't know how to do quotes here but:

"Any community always ends up attracting downvotes and trolls, and the conventional resources such as the suicide hotline chat are only meant to keep you talking and don't help discuss chronic problems."

This is pretty much it right here. It boils down to qualifications, money, and the anonymous nature of the internet. It's hard to give real and useful advice to someone based off of only a couple of internet posts.

Offline, are you gonna run into shitty therapists who deserve to have their license revoked? Yes absolutely. But the people who can help have qualifications and charge a lot of money for their time. They're not gonna come on the internet and dispense useless or generic advice to strangers. It would be a waste of everyone's time, not to mention the whole issue with separating work from life.

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 10 points 1 year ago

When people are starting to starve and there are no more monkeys that can entertain the masses, the spirit of rebellion starts to rise from the ashes.

So the established powers that be have two options: violently suppress the masses. Or acquiesce some level of control, power, or ultimately capital.

The powers that be would rather die than give up their money. So fascism it is!

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 42 points 1 year ago

Because we've hit the point of capitalism where the system is imploding on itself, and so those in power turn to fascism in order to protect their capital.

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 11 points 1 year ago

I appreciate your sentiment and do think that it's important to defend trans rights and not let the right split us up. But I also want to say that just because horrible shit is happening in one place doesn't mean we can't address other issues in the community while we're at it. We don't need to play suffering olympics, and if we do then we lose out on valuable intersectional experiences.

I'm sorry that that shit happened to you. People can really suck sometimes :/

[-] Axolotling@beehaw.org 11 points 1 year ago

I appreciate seeing the wins in court and am glad that there are at least some controls in place still to reign in conservatives, but let's not forget that the R's have been trying to stack the courts in their favor whenever they can. Heck, the supreme court has already been captured by them and they've already legitimized discrimination based on "religious reasons".

There's going to be a long battle ahead for us yet. Still, I try to appreciate the wins where we get them.

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