The Russians committed so many genocides to natives all over Eurasia you cant even count them...yet no one today cares. There are whole groups of people basically erased because of them
Still most muslims just follow what scholoars agree on, this is pretty good
Dont worry its poo
Its much better to find your limits at 18...
I have no idea if they would ban you, i atleast havent heard of that happening. Also just so you know there is is waitlist for signing up and it can take months
Its Lira, be unfunny but at least precise
Does not change anything about what i said. Religion has nothing to do with any of this, these countries would still be shitholes even if it never existed, but sure keep telling yourself what you want, makes it easier
This is wrong by an islamic standpoint. Go to reddit with this bs... Life isnt that simple you π€‘
Dont say muslims, i dont give a shit what you think this is OBVIOUSLY not what the majority of muslims want or support. This isnt even right in the most literal islamic pov
Yeah GOOGLE for privacy...
Everyone killed each other in the past and comitted terrible acts but SOME countries really stand out...