She's all ears and very sleepy!
One gec. 99 to go?
About a half. He shares the other half with his twin brother.
Sadly not, but he makes a lot of silly faces anyway!
Mine do this sometimes... or they'll just lay their whole body on my arm. Stupidly cute.
Almost makes me miss my office job.
This seems quite useful. I've always been bad at setting up stores and picking prices for things. Thank you!
That's awesome! What a cutie!
The framing of this! It could honestly be a book cover or something of the sort, but maybe that's just me.
That's sick. Not quite the same but reminds me of these two albino squirrels that lived in my childhood neighborhood. They stuck around for a surprisingly long time.
Thanks! Good luck to you! Two hour long tutorials are your best friend.
Thanks! I tried both, cycles for the ones shown here. The renders didn't look too different from each other in the end!