I love you too.
Well, I’m kidding about rfk.
Well played.
Fallout and Walton Goggins, it’s no wonder I love it so far.
Yeah, you are right, she’s not the speaker, she’s the shrill conspiratorial shouter.
Love that there are so many apt nicknames for the techbrodozer.
teslas aren’t cool anymore going by what my middle school aged kids are saying. they used to point out every Tesla they would see with excitement, now they do with laughter.
You make an excellent point, without use it’s mostly just there for nothing.. but, specifically I build shit that they complain about. I have my personal photo site up with all my digital photos from the last 25 years catalogued and available from anywhere, I did this because they complained about not having them accessible. Hasn’t been logged into by anyone but me...
But I don’t really blame them, I get it. The easy button is right there.
it drives me nuts, I've got formerly lefty friends who drifted right due to disillusionment with their pet issue. one began their drift via the antivax movement, their personal grudge against the medical system has them now embracing every far right conspiracy out there. so yeah, I believe folks find what they seek, and those who are doing the pulling have figured out the exact temperature of smoke to blow up people's asses.
Yep, been saying the same thing. The mere act of taking the case is proof enough since even the “best” possible outcome still benefits turnip. These aren’t stupid people so I simply cannot believe they took the case in the name of justice or service to the American public. The fix is indeed in.
This “entrepreneurial mindset” is what’s making it so hard to adjust to my new role. Recently took a job that’s new to me but since I always feel responsible and will try to fix everything, I’m having a lot of trouble staying in my lane. I need to keep reminding myself, just because I can do something, doesn’t make it my responsibility, nor do I deserve the blame if I don’t swoop in to fix it.
There was a short lived candybar called PB Max that I’ve been craving for like the last 20 years. It actually tasted like peanut butter which, despite my love for peanut butter cups, just completely outdid them for peanutty goodness.