Question: Fuzzy find in registers
I found out there is actually a builtin function in telescope to fuzzy search in registers. In case someone is interested, I made this binding to access it (lua):
vim.keymap.set('n', 'se', require('telescope.builtin').registers, { desc = '[S]earch r[E]gister' })
I'm not yet sure how to keep the history of deletion though.
Whenever you delete something, nvim copies it in a register. Which register it puts in depends on the command. Honestly, I've always been confused from all these registers for two reasons:
So, I just use my OS clipboard (KDE Plasma has a clipboard manager built-in) and osc52 plugin (but support for osc52 will is built-in in nightly). If you really want to use registers, you could try to copy all of them into only one and use that.