No more promos, new tier, better rank distribution, this is what league has needed forever.
I can't believe they ever thought it was a good idea to make silver and bronze account for 60% of the player base.
Gold = significantly above average?!
No more promos, new tier, better rank distribution, this is what league has needed forever.
I can't believe they ever thought it was a good idea to make silver and bronze account for 60% of the player base.
Gold = significantly above average?!
remnant from when they only had bronze/silver/gold, and shortly after plat, where due to the Elo distribution at the time, they didn't want to disrupt it too much, as they added more tiers it got slightly better, but they never did a huge shift like this to try and balance it out. Huge changes, feels good to see.
On the other hand, being Plat in League means something right now. It shows you're a good player that can be depended upon and will carry games in mid silver-gold elo.
In Overwatch, for example, getting Diamond is piss easy, and Bronze, Silver, Gold are all crayon eaters. It's like Plat there means you have more than 2 fingers and that makes it so that a massive part of the ladder is not respected whatsoever.
I like that visual rank in LoL at least means something, and this seems like pushing everything towards the Overwatch system where everything from Iron to Gold will be considered really bad.
TLDR: "I peak Gold" should be a positive statement IMO. It's fine right now, it won't be after the changes.
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