a very important archive video with sightings OUTSIDE the us, contrary to north-american popular belief, the rest of the world also has a lot of ufo encounters and in Latin America, the stigma is a lot less, almost inexistent, as many governments official status for UFO is that they are real and existing unknowns.
I'd never heard this before, but it makes total sense that the U.S., gripped by Cold War paranoia, would have a different response to other parts of the world.
Here's an article about how UFOs have been handled in Brazil, others might find it interesting: https://archive.is/QWzlC
If anyone knows of any other material on the subject, I'd be keen to hear about it!
I’ve recently been watching old Unsolved Mysteries and saw their segment on it. They had some good coverage of the phenomenon back in the day.
And, it was definitely an interesting series of sightings. I’ve noticed that there seem to be more sightings alongside astronomical events like this. Maybe it’s just due to the fact that more people look to the skies. Then once one report makes the news, more people are on the lookout.
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