I thought peacock straight away - it has that body shape and crest. Maybe an albino peahen? I've seen a white peacock before, but not a peahen. Rarer, according to this site: https://www.treehugger.com/albino-and-half-albino-peacocks-are-simply-stunning-photos-4858413
Oh, I hadn't thought that peafowl could be white but of course that makes sense. She wouldn't be wild then, someone must be missing their pet! I wish I had tried harder to get close to her, these seem to be expensive birds and I don't think she'll fare well here. Our woods are riddled with predators...
I'll ask around with the neighbors and take a walk to look for her before it gets too dark.
I think it's an albino peahen also. Was looking for pictures and weirdly enough Martha Stewart had a good lookalike..
Looks maybe like a pheasant?
I had thought it might be at first glance too, but it's neck is much longer and the crest it's very peacock like... Like little circles on sticks. It's a gorgeous bird.
Backyard Chickens (and Other Birds)
[Were you a mod of backyard chickens on Reddit? Message me if you're interested in modding here.]
This is a community for people who keep chickens in their back yard. This includes pets, layers, and meaties at levels that are sub-industrial. Family farms and homesteads are included.
The Fediverse is small. There probably aren't enough people here to make up a community for every type of bird that someone might keep so for now, everyone is welcome. Bring us your ducks and geese, turkeys and quail, Guineas and Peacocks, emus and parrots. The community will be focused on chickens but until there are enough of each bird community for their own community they will find care and comfort here.
There may be discussions of animal processing. This is part of chicken keeping. If you don't like it leave and block the community.
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All Lemmy.ca rules apply here.
Everyone (see rules 4 and 98) is welcome.
If you've seen a question 100 times answer it the 101st time or ignore it. Even better, write a complete, detailed answer and suggest that the mod(s) pin it to the community.
There will be ZERO tolerance for shaming, brigading, harassment, or other nonsense of those who keep and process chickens. You will be permanently banned the first time.
No, it's not a calcium deficiency. Wrinkled eggs are the result of insufficient or insufficiently viscous albumen. Tiny eggs and missing shells are misfires. They happen.
If you post a picture that includes a dead animal or blood mark it NSFW. We're not going to tolerate the militant anti-hunting and anti-farming bullshit here but we're also not going to tolerate people rubbing their hunting and harvesting in people's faces. See rule 98. If you post blood, gore, or dead animals and don't mark it NSFW it will be removed and you might be banned.
[Did you actually think there were 98 rules?]
If you present something as fact and are asked to provide proof or a source provide proof or a source. Proof must be from a reliable source. If you fail to provide proof or a source your post or comment may be removed.
Don't be a dick. Yes, this is a catch-all rule.
The mod(s) have the final say.