I think of STO as having come out fairly recently 💀
Folks... we have the Khitomer Alliance Rex Pilot Escort, a cross between the Jem'Hadar Bugship and the Defiant... A cursed but welcome combination. DS9 fans like me will probably enjoy this one.
I'm terrible at speculating, but the latest story arc leaning so hard into multiversal "beta canon" material means the possibilities are endless.
The Aetherians seem sketchy as hell, but maybe I've just seen too many "too good to be true" stories.
As for the freebie ship...I'd like to see something pulled from the recent shows, but I'm hard-pressed to think of something that hasn't appeared in the game already.
Perhaps this could be a return to the Khitomer Alliance ships?
Also, I was recently thinking about the fact that there are no Dominion Alliance ships...
So, apparently the Khitomer Alliance Rex is a Pilot Escort Ship (The German version of the news page (https://www.playstartrekonline.com/de/news/article/11561333) reveals it is a Pilot Escort "Für dieses neue Ereignis können Spieler ausgewählte Inhalte spielen und ein neues K6-Schiff verdienen, das Rex-Piloteneskortschiff der Khitomer-Allianz!"
Translated: "For this new event, players can play select content and earn a new K6 ship, the Khitomer Alliance's Rex pilot escort ship!"). While we have no other information about it, this gives us a few major clues to help us.
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