You should be able to filter it on the backend, if you go to the settings page on your instances website there should be a checkbox to toggle nsfw content.
I got it, still learning the ropes. Thanks!
Wondering this myself. Some of the other apps have an option to block the instance or the user right from the post options from within the app
All of the instances I looked at have option to block all nsfw contents within your profile settings. I think you can also block specific community/user . But i don't know if there's an option to block a whole instance.
Here's a screenshot of what I was referring to. This is from the Lemmynade app. When you look at a post and tap the three dots in the top right and get these options
I’d like a way to block specific instances. Like I don’t mind some NSFW instances, but there are others where the theme just doesn’t interest me
Same. I’d like a popular tab without any NSFW, or a way to block instances I don’t want to see.
Alternatively, you could also register at They block NFSW instances. But otherwise everything is there, so no disadvantages just because it is a German instance.
I’m seeing lots of unwanted unblurred stuff in ALL - mostly seems to be gifs or links. Pictures are blurred.
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