What a fucking idiot
Well, yes, he is a GOP member.
No arguments lol
I betcha two dollars that Mr pudding-fingers gets the boosters.
There was a hilarious comment from his PR person when a journalist asked if Desantis was gonna get the booster back when his Surgeon General first came out against it. I can't find it anymore with all the new articles about this event, but his PR person basically said "There is a reason why Desantis has signed the strongest medical privacy laws in the country!" to avoid the question and act like they were being unreasonable for asking.
Which is just a roundabout way of saying "Yes. Absolutely." lol.
Let him kill off those people who still believe this shit. I cannot even feel sorry for them anymore. The more of them croak, the smaller his voter base. So nature will heal the issues cause by GOP leadership all by itself.
Honestly, I can't believe they're still pushing antivax rhetoric when the majority of their base is Boomers. They're already seeing attrition just to age, Gen Z and Millennials aren't refilling their voter bloc, why are they helping send off their voters??
A couple more major pandemics and Florida and Texas will turn blue... If you are Republican and in Texas or Florida please disregard the statement I made before. Vaccines don't work please use bleach and horse medicine to treat covid.
I'm not listening to that liberal hogwash! I only trust what Dear Leader Donald Trump, God Emperor of the United States, tells me. If anyone needs me I will be lubing up this UV lightbulb so I can shove it up my ass and kill the covid just like the president said it would.
You know the lube decreases the effectiveness of the uv rays. For maximum effect stick the light bulb in dry and sideways.
You didn't mention the sand once...
Keep posting misinformation like this and someone is going to get hurt.
I wonder how much more time they need to figure out that all of us that got the shots are still just fine. That was their main excuse right? Is it proven safe and effective yet? Safer than dying on a ventilator? No? Ok then carry on, Floridiots.
They just keep pushing the goalposts back. It'll happen any day now!
I'm still holding out for the 5G I was promised from the vaccine. Cell service is shit where I live. Maybe when I get the booster in 2 weeks it'll finally kick in!
That's one way to increase real estate availability!
By the very same people working hard to decrease it via climate change!
The state song for Florida is a single kazoo playing the intro to StarTrek: TNG
Anyone who takes this “medical advice” seriously deserves what they get. Usually I’d be more empathetic, but they’re helping spread a virus, ffs.
The more people who end up in financial crisis over medical debt, or any kind of debt for that matter, the fewer people will have the luxury to cry foul over piss poor wages and working conditions.
As what happened in the past, Floridians will ignore this and get their boosters. They were out of them at my local when I checked yesterday.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis aspires to be the same kind of Autocrat despised by the founders of the United States. He must be exposed for what he is: a great threat to our Democratic Republic and American values. Republicans don't punish big businesses like the Walt Disney Company for disagreeing with them. Fascists do. DeSantis and those like him are a massive threat to our Democracy.
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