Voting no on this. This is an abuse of the recall process, which should be reserved for cases of serious malfeasance, fraud, etc, not just because a rep didn't vote your way on a single bill. Every other union supports Holvey, he was justly elected by his constituents. This whole thing seems petty, annoying, and a waste of taxpayer money (and union dues!). If I were in this union I would be furious at them for spending my money this way.
@kescusay I'm not going to vote because I'm not personally affected by him from what I can tell, so it doesn't feel right to decide on behalf of those who are.
If he is your representative, you are personally effected by his decisions and his ability to remain a legislator. If you elected him the first time, this recall is essentially an effort by a special interest group to over-ride your vote.
I moved to Portland 30 years ago, is there a tl;dr on the issue?
tldr he killed a bill which included provisions about protecting the right of cannabis workers to organize, he referred the bill to state attorneys who rightly concluded the law wouldn't stand up in court after very similar laws were struck down elsewhere. Every other union still supports holvey, but one of them pushed for a recall over it. If recalls like this are successful, it encourages other special-interest groups to recall reps over small spats like this in the future.
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