Lol the "possibility"? Listen here, fuckwad... He is. That's coming from an American. Trump is 100% a Russian asset.
Welcome to our hell. Stop relying on us until he's been removed from office.
Lol the "possibility"? Listen here, fuckwad... He is. That's coming from an American. Trump is 100% a Russian asset.
Welcome to our hell. Stop relying on us until he's been removed from office.
I wouldn’t rely on us even after we get rid of him. Our 2 party system is far too unstable, as long as the electoral college exists.
As someone who grew up during the height of the Cold War, it's hard to describe how shocking a statement like this is. The US spent trillions of dollars to prevent something like this from happening to anyone in the government, to have the president compromised laughs in the face of all that.
Reagan is spinning in his grave.
Hook him up tot a generator and solve the energy crisis.
He'd just spin even faster knowing that.
Infinite energy glitch
It was Reagan where things started going off the rails, ironically.
I truly hope he is. Even pray for it.
I mean, he basically was last time. So…yeah.
Nothing the GOP is doing right now helps the United States.
Just have to ask “who does it help?” And the answer over and over is: Russia.
Edit: Maddow did a piece saying this exact thing (which was the impetus for my post initially). And I know WE all know that, but I hope more on air personalities keep saying it.
Have I forgotten something?
Good point, I add:
Where? I did miss that
Thank you
In this way, according to the calculation, Americans would regulate the German gas tap and earn money at the same time,” Bild wrote, noting that the U.S. government itself would not be directly involved
Grenell was an asshole meddling to much with German Politics as an ambassador back then, and I hope my Government will not participate in such a stupid deal where Energy Security is dependent on both Putlers and Musk's Goodwill
There is a second angle to all of it, and that's the Elon Musk/Peter Thiel/JD Vance angle, which also appears to be aimed at imploding the US but the goal there is privatizing government rather than helping foreign nations.
That's a good point.
They want to help Russia but also line their pockets along the way.
Afaiu, they don't give a hoot about Russia, they just see the US as "declining" and thus want the US to end as quickly as possible, so they can privatize the remains for their own benefit.
Actually there's more to it than just their own benefit, and it's far more dangerous.
It's about saving the world by destroying it. There is this strange movement called accelerationism, basically the idea that tiday's world is doomed and we should speed up it's destruction to trigger {the rapture,world revolution leading to communism,settling Mars,alien intervention}.
Three separate former KGB agents all attest that he is indeed a Russian asset. They didn’t provide evidence, but I believe them.
Also the Kushner and Flynn stuff. Literally wanted a back channel to communicate with russia but whatever.
Interestingly, this page "has been denied". The rest of are accessible, but not that page. Can you actually access it? Which country are you in?
views expressed by contributors are their own and not the view of The Hill Was 40-year-old Trump recruited by the KGB? by Alexander J. Motyl, opinion contributor - 02/26/25 7:30 AM ET
The former head of Kazakhstan’s intelligence service, Alnur Mussayev, recently claimed in a Facebook post that Donald Trump was recruited by the KGB in 1987, when the 40-year-old real-estate mogul first visited Moscow.
The allegation would, if true, be a bombshell. Mussayev provides no documentary evidence —but then how could he? He alleged that Trump’s file is in Vladimir Putin’s hands.
Mussayev isn’t the only ex-KGB officer to have made such an assertion. Several years ago, Yuri Shvets, a former KGB major now resident in Washington, D.C., served as one of the key sources for Craig Unger’s best-selling book, “American Kompromat: How the KGB Cultivated Donald Trump, and Related Tales of Sex, Greed, Power, and Treachery.”
Just after Mussayev made his claim, another ex-KGB officer living in France, Sergei Zhyrnov, categorically endorsed the allegations in an interview with a Ukrainian journalist. According to Zhyrnov, Trump would have been surrounded 24/7 by KGB operatives, including everyone from his cab driver to the maid servicing his hotel room. Zhyrnov said that Trump’s every move would have been recorded and documented, and that he could have been either caught in a “honey trap” (“All foreign-currency prostitutes were KGB — one hundred percent,” he said) or perhaps recorded bribing Moscow city officials in order to promote his idea of building a hotel in the Soviet capital.
None of these former KGB operatives has provided evidence, but the fact that three KGB agents located in different places and speaking at different times agree on the story suggests this possibility should not be dismissed out of hand. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the first Trump administration and from the initial weeks of the second, it is that everything, including what appears to be impossible, is possible.
Also lending credence to the allegations is the fact that kompromat on Trump would easily, simply and convincingly explain the president’s animus toward NATO, Europe and Ukraine, his admiration of Vladimir Putin and his endorsement of authoritarian rule. One could even invoke “Occam’s razor,” the philosophical principle that claims that simple explanations should be preferred to complex ones.
We could then dispense with contorted explanations that focus on Trump’s mercurial and narcissistic personality on the one hand and American party realignments on the other. Indeed, even if true, these explanations could be accommodated as bells and whistles adorning the central narrative propounded by three KGB agents.
Naturally, Trump and his supporters will bristle. Surely, the three KGB agents are on somebody’s payroll. Who wouldn’t want to discredit the U.S. president? It could be the CIA or FBI, except that these are now firmly in the hands of Trump loyalists. Besides, would they have the ability to buy or coerce residents of Kazakhstan and France? Ditto for other Western intelligence services.
Perhaps it’s Putin? But he surely has no interest in undermining a president who supports his policies toward Ukraine, NATO and Europe.
Somewhat more plausible would be an officer or officers within the Russian intelligence community who oppose Putin and Trump’s designs. This version seems unlikely, but only at first glance, since we know that Putin’s seemingly impregnable regime is actually riven with cracks.
But why would a clandestine opposition make up a story and convince Shvets to spill the beans several years ago? Wouldn’t the dissidents know it’s true?
Perhaps all three ex-KGB agents are simply lying, in the hope of attracting attention and bolstering their fame? A resident of Washington might have this motive, but a Kazakh and Frenchman?
What leads me to think that there might be something to the allegations is the fact that an acquaintance had a very similar experience at just the same time. A left-leaning ladies’ man, he was wined and dined in Moscow for several years in the late 1980s, courted by the ladies — by his round-the-clock interpreter, as well as by a woman who approached him in a department store and invited him home.
We’ll probably never know the truth. But even with no slam-dunk evidence, the allegations should be, to say the least, disturbing, especially for the genuine patriots in the MAGA camp.
Alexander J. Motyl is a professor of political science at Rutgers University-Newark. A specialist on Ukraine, Russia and the USSR, and on nationalism, revolutions, empires and theory, he is the author of 10 books of nonfiction, as well as “Imperial Ends: The Decay, Collapse, and Revival of Empires” and “Why Empires Reemerge: Imperial Collapse and Imperial Revival in Comparative Perspective
denied, from belgium
Commenting on developments, Stuart posted to [Twitter]: “We have to consider the possibility that president Trump is a Russian asset.
“If so, Trump’s acquisition is the crowning achievement of [Vladimir] Putin’s FSB career — and Europe is on its own.”
I can't believe I'm agreeing with a Tory, a former Tory minister at that. We really are in the worst timeline
na hes retarded all by himself xD no help needed
I think everyone referring to krasnov by his agent name and calling treason out constantly would be a net benefit and an aid to americans.
Possibility? Not with that attitude.
Senior Conservative MP says ~~UK must consider possibility~~ ‘Trump is a Russian asset’ -
Fixed that for you.
Keir Starmer has attempted to act as a bridge between the United States and Europe, having hosting a summit of nineteen leaders, including EU Commission president Ursula von der Leyen and Nato chief Mark Rutte, on Sunday.
Addressing MPs yesterday, the prime minister insisted the UK government will not “choose between” the US and Europe, as it attempts to secure a lasting, sustainable peace in Ukraine.
Starmer said: “I do want to be crystal clear. We must strengthen our relationship with America for our security, for our technology, for our trade and investment.”
That all sounds very unwise. I hope that behind the scenes the UK Government is less deluded.
As a Brit I'd be surprised if they were that deluded, the more pertinent question to ask should be is the USA government that deluded?
The words don't match the whispers
I suppose they try to buy some time, to get out of the mess that much of UK security info and equipment is closely dependent on US. But indeed at such a pivotal moment, when there even seems to be cross party consensus, it's daft to miss the chance to re-orient towards Europe.
No fucking shit! And it's the entire globe that needs the KY Jelly.
Uhhhhh ya...Krasonov. Haven't you been paying attention?
You don't say...
Good morning princess Stuart!
Your sarcasm that appears to indicate Mr Stuart is one of the last to realize — it may be a little misplaced, given that Starmer and Labour have apparently not awoken yet.
Also: happy cake day!
It's frustrating that maybe little by little someone is starting to consider this, after all Trump has done so far. But yes at least mr Stuart said it, I'm wrong. Everywhere there's a strong imvincible will to close eyes and hope that somehow the war will close itself doing minimum effort possible, and after that business as usual. No country take it seriously, unless it's too late. They're always one step behind. The smartest understood after a month or more of Trump's historical disasters.
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