Why stop there? Why not striminalennials.
"Young" Millennials depending on your definition the youngest millennial is 29-32 this year.
I'm in college, and a lot of striminals don't pirate streaming services like Netflix, but instead pirate live sports streams, because the legal alternative is pay like $70/mo for an ad-infested service. Nobody is paying that.
Only 69%? We gotta pump those numbers up. My Plex share accounts for at least 6 people.
The reason why I don't pay for a lot of media is because, if I pay for it I won't be able to watch what, when, where and how I want to.
If I could buy movies and TV series as h265 files with high bandwidth and no DRM I would pay for it.
I would also pay for streaming if it had all content available, no DRM that forces me to use Chrome to watch anything higher than 720p and a good interface.
But those things will never happen because executives are too greedy.
They don't even respect the integrity films and shows themselves anymore. Now in later releases they'll remove the music that was selected by the director to best pair with a scene, simply because they don't want to keep paying royalties for releases of old movies. And that's if they don't just stop selling them all together.
The way this is phrased makes it sound like more than a third (60% of 69%) of millenials only ever consume media through piracy, which I find very hard to believe. What seems more likely to me is that the survey asked people if they have ever used piracy and now they're trying to make this seem like a much bigger deal through misleading phrasing.
Yes, thats exactly whats happening. Media companies are fearmongering as well, they put up posters saying that streaming sites can hack you.
Laughs in Streamio + Torrentio
I had that, but I haven't had time to fix it since real-debrid stopped working.
It's working fine for me. The number of torrents went way down, but picked up and are nearly back to normal now 👍
New Rule: Any article that introduces a new tech-based slang term (eg. "phubbing", "striminals") is worthless
Who the fuck says striminals?
At least one? I mean, how many do you want to use? When you set up your system, you don't need more than one.
My main thing that pushes me towards being a striminal is that every service has all exclusive content.
If I wasn't too watch star trek or star wars, hello Disney+. Stranger things? Netflix. The list is long, I won't bore you with what you're probably aware of.
Moving to bring a striminal, as they say, you can watch what you want, when you want, where you want. You get everything in one place, and don't have to flip flop between services to simply see what's available.
The cost of all of the services is a problem, sure, because it's so damn costly for all of them combined. But that's not my primary factor. It's just so damned inconvenient to maintain so many disconnected accounts, and agglutinate all of the information into a sensible list of what's new or available across all services.
I just want it to be easy and they've intentionally made it not easy.
I won't comment if, or how many Linux ISOs I may or may not have.
Striminal Platoon 42069 leader, reporting in!
All information should be free, everywhere, forever.
100% of GenX'ers in this household.
Based striminals
Sorry but I'm streamennial not striminal.
Awwww, that's so cute how they side-stepped "... what they want, how they want, "; You know? That bit of it all that we can't buy their way because they won't sell it to us.
Sell full quality 4k video files, with no DRM, and I’ll never use a sketchy streaming site ever again.
I haven’t infringed on a single game that’s available on GoG
Who is "we"? I have to know who came up with this amazing addition to the English language.
They are saying that like it is a bad thing.
Bad for shareholders maybe.
Looks fake, but still funny af.
Yeah, I used a modified Spotify client without ads, uninterrupted skipping, etc. to set random songs as my alarm. I download what I like through various sources, music wise, however to find new artists I use YouTube Music so have a client for that too (I have random tastes, and over the years got into artists who never really made it big at all: YT is good for the very obscure stuff most folks would call "people screaming into the mic" which, I mean, I guess it is but it could be music too..)
So what are Gen Xers who do this called?
My posse don't walk around like striminals or flex like big gorillas
Straight up the only way to watch some content. I could not figure out where to watch pantheon season 2 legally so I could literally only pirate it.
Unrelated but damn that show had so much wasted potential, season 1 is quite possibly my favorite western animated season of all time.
YAASSS content:
• Ads/media where 'the man' tries to appeal to young people using their vernacular in a lame, pandering way
• Ads/media that tries to appeal to young people but is self-aware and/or well executed
Ratchet content:
• Children's media and commercials for children's products that don't involve inter-generational pandering (this isn't a place to collect all advertising and media that's aimed at kids) Nickelodeon/Cartoon Network/Disney/etc.
• Text messages, emails, PMs, or other forms of interpersonal communication not sent as an advertisement