What a petty, childish, incel themed administration we elected.
I mean, our POTUS is a rapist... And we know for a fact gas paid for sex. Pretty sure all his wives have married him for the money and lifestyle.
We all know he would have been a forever incel without his daddy's money. So it tracks perfectly.
"These are our symbolic phalluses, women can't be in charge of them reeee"
Your body, my choice!
Way to dishonor Katherine Johnson, Christine Darden, Mary Jackson and everyone else who were women and/or those who were of different race who helped us get to the moon and back.
Prior to Trump’s orders, NASA was named as one of the best employees in the U.S. for diversity in 2023. NASA’s workforce is composed of approximately 35% women and 30% minorities, according to a 2021 report by NASA’s Office of Inspector General. Still, the agency had more work to do to improve inclusion amongst its workforce. A 2024 report concluded that “despite support from Agency leaders and multiple initiatives to increase diversity, we found NASA has made little progress in increasing the representation of women and minorities in its civilian workforce or leadership ranks,” NASA’s Office of Inspector General wrote. “Specifically, over the past decade NASA’s overall workforce demographics have stayed roughly the same, with small increases (1 or 2 percent) for some groups.”
After decades of improvement, our strategies were stalling and starting to either hit diminishing returns or backfire. Instead of reflecting and listening and learning how to bridge the final gaps, we are going to forget and eliminate all progress made so we have to do it again and start from scratch.
The sad thing is that this was all telegraphed and baked into the platform. If people are kicking themselves now, it’s too late.
NASA needs to pull a parks service circa 2017.
And Parks Services members are out there protesting this time around too. What chads.
The gray shirts manage to make everything ugly