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Album Art - Share your favourite music album cover
#High quality images of music album art.
↱ Please use the following title formatting, when posting: · Album Name - Author (YYYY)
read guidelines ↡ before posting
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Lost In Film - !
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➤ Simple Guidelines
➧1. Include the original album name, author and year of release. If you do not know some of the required information, state that in either the title or top-level comment e.g. [Album Name - Author/s Name, Unknown Year]. The reason we ask for this information is that you can only search on the content of post titles, not comments.
➧2. No low-effort/low-quality posts. Posts made to c/albumartporn are expected to be of high quality and have serious effort put behind them. The album cover should be clean, not have any urls/website watermarks in them.
➧3. Be Original
➧4. Be respectful. Harassment, abuse, name calling, and/or threats of any kind is not tolerated here. Any content, whether an image or a comment, that includes any kind of bigoted language or hate speech will be met with a permanent ban.
➧5. No off-topic Content Never post anything that is off-topic (i.e. not album art) or that contains gory material.
➧6. No spam or reposts. Do not submit more than one of the same post/comment on this community or across multiple communities. In addition, please wait at least 3 months before reposting an image that has already been posted to c/albumartporn, and do not repost from the top of all time.
➧7. No advertisement or self-promotion. Do not use this subreddit to advertise or self-promote. This includes (but is not limited to) websites, articles, blog posts, and brands.
➧8. No memes, gifs, videos, audios. Just album covers
➧9. Tag NSFW Posts · Nudity: Obvious, implied or strategically covered · Content that is “sexually explicit” · Gore, both human and non-human.
➠Feel free to report any content that does not respect these rules.