Because the same people who are asked to describe who did it are the same people who are paying the people to describe it.
Because of the imperial boomerang. The ruling far-right in Ukraine (which the US installed in the Maiden Coup) has multiple self-declared Nazis in positions of power, erects monuments of & names streets after famous Nazis, has a military covered in Nazi symbols, and required the US Congress to lift a ban on arming Nazis in order to receive military aid. But the media coverage is all denial and gaslighting of ‘it’s complicated.’
And now we’re over a year into a live-streamed genocide, as they tell us to ignore our own eyes & ears.
We are ruled by Nazis, on both sides of the aisle.
If we take this as argument all ukrainians are fascists, then those guys should proof all ukrainians are LGBT.
But maybe there are just all kinds of ukrainians fighting together against Russia?
The bad actors always try to deflect from the people openly identifying themselves as Nazis, to ‘are you saying all Ukrainians are Nazis?!’
People aren’t as stupid as you believe.
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