I started liking https://izzys.casa after someone linked her meandering horror story on the C++ ecosystem on awful. All her posts seem to be written like that.
Now this is a fun blog.
Dan asked me “what’s the fastest Big O notation?” and hey, to my credit despite not having a college degree, I knew the answer from self studying! “Oh, I know this. O(1) Constant time”, I said over the phone. “No, see it’s O(0). The fastest program is the one that never runs. It’s clear you don’t have enough experience for this role. So let’s test you on your sysadmin capabilities. Maybe you can redeem yourself there”. I wasn’t interviewing for sysadmin.
Silicon Valley was a mistake. What the hell.
Okay "like that" is strong wording after that specific article. She seema to mix anecdotes, research, opinions and technical details in an entertaining and somewhat educative way.
I'll have a wee look later if there's anything I enjoy (Commenting to act as a pin for later). Though maybe worth noting that I'm not much of a developer/programmer — I'm mostly a scientist who ended up taking a level or so of software dev/programming when I started wondering how to be doing scientific code better. I read a lot of blogs though.
There are a couple that come to mind now actually. A while back there was a blog post titled "I will fucking piledrive you if you mention AI again", and I found myself generally a fan of that blog (ludic.mataroa.blog). Some people consider this author overly abrasive and unprofessional, but I find that quite refreshing actually.
I really enjoyed this series at this blog. I think the author is on Lemmy also (though username forgotten).
I've also enjoyed coverage of recent anti-monopoly proceedings that were on Matt Stoller's blog: https://www.thebignewsletter.com/
Many of the old articles on joelonsoftware.com about software development are as timelessly insightful as they are amusing. The newer ones about running a small business are hit or miss for me.
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