Here are the people responsible for the nH Predict AI tool that they knew has a 90% error rate when denying claims:
Hmmm… these demographics are not surprising.
I can't help but think of the scene from Rush Hour where Chris Tucker's character explains to Jackie Chan's character his theory on big crimes. It was something like 'Follow the rich guy. There's always a rich guy waiting for his slice.' I gotta rewatch it now.
“We are sorry, the algorithm said you should die, soooooo….”
Could people stop sharing this image of the guy who clearly was not the murderer?!
Seriously. I am almost 100% the guy in the picture was my waiter at the Boathouse restaurant, in Disney Springs (Florida), on the night of the shooting. The person in the picture was nowhere near the state of New York.
Here's an article from last year to add a little more context.
UnitedHealth uses the algorithm to "prematurely and in bad faith discontinue payment for healthcare services," the complaint said.
"This is an example of how AI is being utilized not to help people but to line the pockets of corporations and their shareholders," Clarkson said.
When these coverage denials are appealed to federal administrative law judges, about 90% are reversed, the complaint said, demonstrating the "blatant inaccuracy" of the algorithm. Only a tiny fraction of patients appeal the denials at all, Clarkson said.
Also, UnitedHealth said they stopped using the algorithm, turns out they just renamed it and are now using it to deny or reduce mental health treatments. How UnitedHealth’s Playbook for Limiting Mental Health Coverage Puts Countless Americans’ Treatment at Risk
Ah, yes, creating more work for an already overloaded legal and healthcare system, while pocketing the profits from people who won't fight it. Man, I LOVE capitalism...
So his decisions resulted in others deaths?
Insurance companies practice medicine without a license all the time and those practices result in death. We are just supposed to pretend that's the correct way to live.
Totally unrelated question, but did Hitler actually directly kill anyone? Mao? Or was it just through their directing of others?
Well, Hitler did kill at least one person..
Sigh... Yea but he also killed the guy that killed hitler
How did he even manage to sleep knowing this was the job he did.
On piles of money, I'm sure.
dragons are a parable
Like that scene in Breaking Bad where Walt is laying on pallets of cash at the car wash.
With many beautiful ladies
Abstraction. These people are in such a different class compared to the average person that they basically don't associate with them, so they never see the consequence of their downright evil actions... up until a scorned man with nothing to lose makes them very clear very quickly.
Probably very easily. The people who make it to the top generally show more psychopathic tendencies.
I wonder what's going to go through his familys minds when it all settles.
Imagine explaining to your kids why the internet is celebrating their father's death
The most defining trait of Sociopaths and Psychopaths is having no empathy, so for people like this the suffering of others, be it of their own making or not, has about as much emotional impact as the "suffering" of a leaf of lettuce when they eat it or of a piece of paper they crumple and thrown in the trashcan.
This also means that, amongst other things, they feel no guilt whatsoever (would you feel guilt from eating a leaf of lettuce?!) and will sleep like babies with the blood of thousands on their hands.
"Look, if we allow these claims then everyone sick will file claims. The hit on our profit margin would be terrible!"
You don’t understand. This man was a pillar of empathy and dedicated his life to improving access to healthcare.
Found the shareholder. /s
(Of his stockholders)*
Yup, I was in an AI/ML training session about a year ago, and there were a few hospital execs there too. They were absolutely giddy about the prospect of using AI to deny care to unprofitable patients.
So this must be all the "innovation" and "disruption" I keep hearing about.
A computer program that returns “denied” in all situations is not an AI.
function DetermineClaim(input) {
return "denied";
The next generation will have names like “assume your a junior computer programmer and write a python script to complete my homework“
Deposed. I would not use the m word. Its in the tos.
What an all around nice guy.
Truly a shame he got unjustly murdered. Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.
Ridiculously photogenic working class hero
Found him!